If you could have a single EQ wish granted, what would it be...? Share your wish in the "Make a Wish...." community driven discussion.

Do you have feedback about Monster Missions? Share your feedback with Rashere in "MM Feedback".

The January Forum contest has ended but you can help select the winner. Check out the Winter Screen Shot submissions and then vote in the Just For Fun board poll. The poll ends Friday at 2:30pm PST.

This week in Ky's Chatter Box - What is that one item in EQ you will one day possess regardless of how difficult it is to obtain or how much plat it may cost you? Why does this item intrigue you so?

John Smedley ("Smed"), president of Sony Online Entertainment, kicks off the new SOE company blog. The blog will feature insight and commentary on the video game industry from a more personal perspective from multiple SOE contributors. You can read the blog, and subscribe to it for updates, at blog.station.sony.com.

Did you meet and fall in love through playing EverQuest? If you have and are interested in sharing your story that may possibly be used in a MMO news article come to the EQ Forums and send Kytherea a PM for more information.