Welcome to Kibitzing with Kytherea! Whether you're looking for guidance and support or just help settling a specific problem or dilemma, Kibitzing with Kytherea offers something for everyone.

There are many obstacles and barriers that we have to face in life. We have the choice to confront them and overcome them or deny them and remain troubled. Many times it is the fear of the unknown that causes us to remain comfortable in our chaos. Let Kytherea help you face the unknown and guide you on your journey.

Are you a wood elf in love with a dark elf and your parents just won't understand? Are you a troll who rather eat vegetables then a nice juicy gnome and are afraid to admit it? Are you looking for a way to tell a guild mate that passing gas in the guild hall pool to make bubbles is not funny, it is just disgusting? It is Kytherea's desire to make you feel safe and secure as you explore issues of all types. She wants to provide you with support and advice in hopes of alleviating your problems and making each day more productive.

Send your problems by email to Kytherea at cdelzer@soe.sony.com with "Kibitzing with Kytherea" as the subject. Kibitzing with Kytherea will be a weekly feature on EQPlayers and will be scheduled to appear on Monday afternoons.

NOTE: This is a role play feature that is intended for entertainment purposes only!


Kibitzing With Kytherea

Dear Kytherea,

It's Fenbin again. Thank you for your sympathetic reply. You made some good points…and gave me some good ideas. As we speak, I am researching a way to add retractable sword blades to the sides of my RoboBoar. Perhaps that will bring them down to size, so to speak. I may need to find a way to make the boar move faster though, otherwise it will simply knock people over.

I am also combining my interests in tinkering and illusions into a new project. Let's just say it deals with transportation portals and permanent illusion effects….

Since this is an advice column, I suppose I should ask a question. Do you think straight sword blades would work best or would curved sickle blades work better on the sides of my mechanic mount?

Thank you for sharing your wisdom,

Fenbin Dazzlebright

Gnome Enchanter & Master Tinker

Dear Fenbin,

I am always amazed at how inventive you gnomes are! I'm thinking sickle blades might be a bit more effective. They won't stick out as far and will be a bit more stealthy. If people see those blades coming they won't stand there waiting to see what happens, especially if they are attached to the slow moving roboboar.

Which brings me to your concern about the roboboar's speed and effectiveness while he moves so slow. As long as the blades are kept keenly sharpened it won't matter how slowly he moves, the blades should slide like going through soft butter!




Dear Kytherea,

I have a problem. I have a very dear Cleric friend in my guild who apparently thinks that he is a tank. True enough, he is great at healing and buffs with the best of them, but whenever the main tank leaves our group it is like he transforms into this "Psycho Battle Cleric" and tries tanking anything and everything that he can get his hands on. I am seriously concerned that one of these days, something bad is going to him. Can you please give me any tips on helping him? I don't know if this info helps or not, but hes a Froglok.

Thank you,

Kirryin Niyrrik

Beastlord 56th of Xev

Dear Kirryin,

Ah yes the battle cleric syndrome, a serious disease indeed, and something seen in every race of clerics. While clerics are able to wear plate armor and can indeed take a licking and keep on ticking, they are certainly not tanks. They seem to forget that while they spent so much time in their younger years praying and practicing their divine abilities, true tanks spent their youth practicing how to best utilize such nice, heavy armor to be at it's most effective. The ability to wear plate armor is more for the chance that a cleric will live long enough for a true tank to tick off a beastie and make it forget about the cleric's presence so that the cleric can continue doing what he does best in most situations, heal!

Alas, in the case of the battle cleric syndrome, if the cleric refuses to listen to reason the only medicine to cure this is to let something bad happen to the cleric. He will eventually come to realize that his place is not at the front of battle as a tank but standing more towards the back out of harms way and keeping those in the thick of battle as healthy as possible. In this magic filled world, watched over by the gods, anything bad is only temporary anyway. In the end your friend will come away with a little loss in what he has learned and a bit of bruised pride, but both will heal over time.

