Real life first name: Dan
Forum handle: MrFsh
Main Character name: Zenl
Server: Quellious
Guild: League of Sozobon

Where in the real life world do you live? Near Cleveland, Ohio.
How long have you played EQ? I started in August of 2003
What other MMOs have you played? I played Ultima Online for a few years before a friend talked me into trying EverQuest.
What type of work do you do? My job is a mix of insurance claims processing and system administration.
How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ? Generally between 2 and 3 hours if you subtract all the breaks. I mix my EQ time with other activities, so it's unusual for me to spend more than 45 solid minutes on EQ at a time.
What does a typical EQ day consist of for you? I log in, run around aimlessly, kill some things if I can, and check the LFG tool for pickup groups. I used to raid a few times a week, but I'm currently taking a break from my main character to work on some others.
What was the race and class of your very first character? My first character was a Human Paladin. I only played him to level 11 before losing interest and trying some other classes.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? I found an Atari 2600 at a garage sale when I was a kid, and my parents made the mistake of letting me buy it. These days, I still enjoy the older fantasy RPGs and platform games from the 80s and 90s.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest? I skate, cycle, and hike. If I'm not at work or on the computer, I look for any excuse to spend time outside.
What is your highest level in EQ? 68, with 60 AA points.
What race and class is your main character? Half Elf Bard.
What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? Bards can do a little of everything. Having a huge selection of survival tools is probably my favorite part of the class..
Does your main character worship a deity? Rallos Zek, but not religiously.
How did you choose your main character's name? I deleted a few letters from something the random name generator gave me. I had no idea I would enjoy playing a bard, so I didn't give it much thought.
Which classes in EQ have you NOT played? I have never played the Berserker class.
What is your favorite expansion? Velious. I started EQ too late to enjoy it with everyone else, but I still find the design of the factions and zones really interesting. I think the expansion has some of the most well thought-out dungeons in the game.
What is your favorite zone? Crystal Caverns.
What is your favorite npc? I'm a huge fan of 'an odd mole' in Kurn's Tower. I don't know why it's there or what it's doing, and hopefully I never find out.
Which expansion do you like the least? Omens of War. It has some great content, but my main character was just getting into the 60s when it came out, and it really created a gap between me and some of the higher level people I grouped with at the time.
Which zone do you like the least? Plane of Nightmare. I didn't really know why they called it that until I tried to get 17 strangers across the river to the hedge maze.
Which npc do you like the least? It's a tie between Hadden and all of the Froglok NPCs in the game.
What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? I dropped 12,000 on the song Lullaby of Morell, and haven't come close to saving that amount since then.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? I still have the Centi Warspear my first character found on a vendor in Freeport. I didn't even know the bazaar existed at the time, so it looked like the most amazing weapon in existence.
What do you like best about EverQuest? I like the chance to interact with people I would never meet or have anything in common with outside the game. Show me another place where I could join up with a mother of two from Oklahoma, a truck driver from Ontario and a student from Australia, for the common goal of wasting time.
What do you get out of playing EverQuest? Cheap entertainment. For the price, it beats the heck out of movies and single player games.
Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest. That would probably be exploring the world for the first time. Even running around West Karana and getting stranded on that island in Iceclad Ocean were fascinating experiences when the game was all new to me.
Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site? Nope. The opportunity hasn't really come up, so I just harrass people on various forums.