Welcome to Kibitzing with Kytherea! Whether you're looking for guidance and support or just help settling a specific problem or dilemma, Kibitzing with Kytherea offers something for everyone.

There are many obstacles and barriers that we have to face in life. We have the choice to confront them and overcome them or deny them and remain troubled. Many times it is the fear of the unknown that causes us to remain comfortable in our chaos. Let Kytherea help you face the unknown and guide you on your journey.

Are you a wood elf in love with a dark elf and your parents just won't understand? Are you a troll who rather eat vegetables then a nice juicy gnome and are afraid to admit it? Are you looking for a way to tell a guild mate that passing gas in the guild hall pool to make bubbles is not funny, it is just disgusting? It is Kytherea's desire to make you feel safe and secure as you explore issues of all types. She wants to provide you with support and advice in hopes of alleviating your problems and making each day more productive.

Send your problems by email to Kytherea at cdelzer@soe.sony.com with "Kibitzing with Kytherea" as the subject. Kibitzing with Kytherea will be a weekly feature on EQPlayers and will be scheduled to appear on Monday afternoons.

NOTE: This is a role play feature that is intended for entertainment purposes only!


Kibitzing With Kytherea

Dear Kytherea,

I am having a serious problem with my relationship. First allow me to give a little background about myself. I have been well instructed in the laws governing Norrath and have accepted my charge to bring Justice throughout the land. To aid me in these endeavors, I have mastered the art of calling ancestral spirits. Using my abilities I bolster the strengths of like minded individuals to bring the Hammer of Justice swiftly down on the lawless. For the longest time things were neat and ordered... just the way I like them... then she walked into my life.

In a flash my world has been turned upside down. My vision focused on her slightly pointed ears, my attention has been held captive by her almost elven grace and mind has been wondering if she feels the same... needless to say a courtship ensued, which I will spare you the details.

Suffice it to say, she is elegant, charming, adventurous, and most of all fiercely loyal to her friends. I admire all of these qualities in her... however I have been seeing a different side of her as of late. Her fighting technique, I thought at first, was a bit unorthodox... but as it turns out she fights very dirty. She uses the shadows and moves with stealth to strike at opponents who are caught completely unprepared and often times die without even knowing they were under attack.

I never understood why she was so curious to look over my shoulder while I brewed potions to aid us in battle. Then late one evening I caught a glimpse of her grinding several toxins in a pedestal. Recently I learned she pilfered from a local merchant when we stopped to buy rations and water. All of these things have started to weigh heavy on my heart.

I now feel torn... I am stuck between what I know is right and what I know I want. I have not talked to her about this but for the first time since we have meet I am worried to be around her... worried at what I might do... what I might have to do.

Thank you for your time,
Lost Justice
Dear Lost Justice,

Using one's strengths and skills to achieve victory in battle is nothing to fret over. Does it really matter if your lady love uses the shadows and stealth to her advantage in combat? You use your weapon, shield, strength and skills do you not? What one perceives as fighting dirty, another sees as using finesse and skill. These toxins she is grinding, what does she do with them? I have heard stories that some will apply these toxins to their weapons to increase the damage they do while in combat. If she is using the toxins for this purpose and is only using them against those you are enacting Justice on, does it matter? I could see if she was using the toxins against the Just and Innocent that there would be room for doubt about her. It sounds to me like she is again using her knowledge and skill to aid in your endeavor to bring Justice to Norrath.

The pilfering, well I am not sure why she would do this. Boredom perhaps or lack of funds and she is too embarassed to mention it. If you can accept her unorthodox methods of fighting and wish to continue your relationship, I suggest talking to her about the pilfering. I am sure she has a valid reason for taking things not belonging to her and not paying the merchant. Perhaps together you can find a way to make retribution to the merchant and save the relationship.




Dear Kytherea,

This is "Starving in Sebilis" from several weeks ago. I am happy to say that your advice worked, and I'm off froglok meat for good, and back working for the Toilmaster.

I have some new problems though, also related to my job. Capturing slaves for Cabilis is very lucrative work, and I typically earn up to 10 plat an hour (quite a bit above minimum wage here) doing so. I travel all over the world in search of potential workers, whether they are Froglok, Vah Shir, or any of the other softskins. Lately I've been getting side tracked a bit though, and decided to explore the continent of Velious to see what workers I could salvage there.

I learned from a bit of babble in Cabilis about a great Dwarven city that warred with Giants, and learned more about the wars and the history of Thurgadin. The more I learned, the stranger I felt... normally I have great distain for soft-skins of ! any type, but I feel my heart towards them is starting to soften. I would venture to say that I don't hate soft-skins anymore... or at least not as much! I am so confused! What can I do, and how can I reconcile my job with my newfound feelings? Unlike the Tier'dal I do not wish to use illusions, I know Cazic-Thule created me as an Iksar for a reason... in fact, I fear what he will think of me.

No Longer Starving in Sebilis

Dear No Longer Starving,

Is it all soft-skins you are now softening towards or just these dwarves of Thurgadin that war with the giants? It is not uncommon to have sympathy or feel empathy towards those who are down trodden. If it is just these warves you are soft-hearted for, then my suggestion is to avoid them while on your captive search. I am sure that as long as you provide an abundant quality of slaves of other races, Cazic Thule will be none the wiser or will at least ignore your feelings. If your feelings are softening towards all soft-skins, well then it is time to look for a new career. 10 plat an hour, while seemingly a fortune, is not worth ignoring your feelings.

You might also want to re-evaluate your religious standing with Cazic Thule. As time goes by we all tend to question our faith. You have to decide which is more important to you, your faith and the approval of your chosen deity or the lives of these soft skins you once hunted and captured without a second thought. Questions of faith are something only you can decide on, no one else can make this decision for you.




Dear Kytherea,

I am a Tunare worshipping half-elf druid who desperately wants to be accepted by Dark Elf society, however, even when I use a darf elf illusion potion, everyone in Neriak tries to kill me every time I take a step into the city. Am I foolish for even dreaming about walking around Neriak, only occaisionally getting a weird look from the residents as opposed to them wanting to throw my corpse from the city out into Nektulos Forest, or should I give up my dream all together?


Viirus Steelheart

Dear Viirus,

Is the elven part of your half-elven heritage dark elf? If so you may need to do some task around Norrath which improve your standing with the Dark Elves. Illusions, while they mask your appearance, will not alter your body language and dark elven body language is much different from those of other elves. I am sure the Dark Elves you have encountered see right through the illusion once they notice how you carry yourself. If you work on improving your standing with the Dark ELves though, eventually you should be able to wander the city streets without a problem. Of course Tunare may be none to happy with you if you decide to do this.

If your half-elven heritage is not Dark Elf, then why would you wish to walk in their damp, dark, dismal streets? What do the Dark Elves possess that can not be obtained from any other city?

One is never foolish to dream, even if those dreams are a bit odd... Keep following your dreams but be aware of when it is time admit defeat if necessary and approach a different dream.

