It's that time again SOE faithful, where we ask you to help us select the next Fan Faire city. As many of you may recall, we had an awesome time with our friends down south in Atlanta. The south really showcased its hospitality. Now we are looking for another amazing location to host you, our greatest fans, for yet another great get together.

The options that we have researched based on price, weather and availability are listed below. Please vote on your favorite choice.

Thanks all!

Brenlo and Jenabel


Here are the dates and locations.

March 13 Denver, CO $125
March 9 Orlando, FL $159
June 28 Las Vegas, NV $119

You are welcome to discuss the dates and locations on the EQ forums but in order for your opinion and preference to count you need to vote in the poll which can be found on the forums in the SOE Fan Faire board.