Norrathian Delicacies

With Rawiya Riya



Welcome to the first episode of Norrathian Delicacies. I am your host Rawiya Riya. Together we are going to travel Norrath looking for tasty yet inexpensive meals. I want to start our journey with a close but exotic location. So let's get ready to explore Neriak!




When visiting Neriak you will need to remember that Neriak is not the friendliest place for non- Teir'Dal. However there are locations that you can visit and have some fun. The Neriak Foreign Quarter is the most tolerant area for visitors. Asking the locals and staff at the places you stay may offer good suggestions.




Darien Felton of "The Smugglers Inn" suggested "Drana's Beard N Butcher" for a fairly fresh and cheap breakfast. "Drana's Beard N Butcher" is run by twins Tal and Sal. They inherited the restaurant when their cousin Mal died suddenly a few years back. Mal accidentally fell into one of the near by Neriak Sharp Tooth Snapper hatcheries. The Dranas offer a wide selection of breads, muffins, cereals, and pastries. They are most famous for their Curry Neriak Sharp Tooth Snapper stuffed pie. However today I think that I will have something a little bit lighter for breakfast.




I know! The Nightshade Acorn Algae muffin sounds yummy and filling. The Acorn Algae dough is not the peasant's fodder of yester year. Living deep under ground and using what materials were available at the time the Teir'Dal servants used to have to live off of this stuff. After trade picked up with neighboring races, these less then noble dishes got a boost of flavor and texture. Ooo these are so good and they keep forever. You get a nice moist texture with crunchy bits of nut. If you are not too deep into your cups, you will also notice a bright and bitter flavor. But not too bitter just enough to give you a nice pick me up in the morning. I think that I will also get an order of Neriak Nectar. Neriak Nectar is a nice thick and rich flavored drink. If you are planning on doing a lot of walking or exploring you may want to try some. The closest resemblance that I can give is of a nice cranberry or even stronger type of a flavor. The berries are harvested deep from the underfoot and have such a distinct flavor. Yum.




You know there are several nice things about visiting under ground cities. I think that some of my favorite things about this city besides the food are the climate and local art. You will never overheat in this city. If anything you may want to bring an extra cloak. Also the art is so readily available that in most places you just have to look up. Gosh I wonder how they did that.




There is also a certain ambiance that you will only be able to find in this area. It is a certain mixing or mashing of cultures, here in the Foreign Quarter. Just take a look around and you will see Ogre, Human, and Dark Elves mixing or trying to overpower the others presence. One thing that you will notice throughout all of Neriak is that the Teir'Dal sure love their Silk. 




I got a tip about a little place called "Bits N Pieces". However after taking a look around, I think that it may be a little too ethnic for me. There are lots of things to do in this area including watching some fights or shopping. You may want to make sure that you have a cast iron gullet for this part of town.




After speaking to some people that don't speak Oggish, I have decided to head further down. One warning thought the deeper you go into the ground here the less racial tolerant people become. I am going to need a disguise.




"The Blind Fish" is listed as one of the best places in Norrath for fresh fish. Betcha didn't know that. With the under ground streams "The Blind Fish" has some of the most awesome underwater views. Sometimes you can see locals fishing or some hapless tourist out for a swim. Just look at those views. I could just stand here all day.




With all of this fish around I think it would be a shame not to try some. I think that I will go with the special catch of the day and an order of Capt. Orlin's Spiced Ale. Yum, delicious and not too spicy. It is rumored that they keep the Captain down in the Freeport sewers brewing. Who know when I visit Freeport I might just go looking for him. The fish is really good and fresh. It is lightly seared with a nice juicy center. Service here in Neriak is really quick and most of the meat they serve a little rarer. So remember that when you are ordering. You can also really tell that the quality of food is starting to improve. This restaurant has everything, even a bit of entertainment. I just had to see the restaurant from the other side.




Wow what a truly amazing waterfall. Here you really get to see more of the local art.




Now we really have to start being careful as we travel further down into Neriak. Neriak Third Gate is known for its confusing passage ways and dark histories. I believe that this section of the city was created with the intent to keep outsiders well out, so we are going to have to be extra careful. Wow, I wonder how they did that. Hrrm, better not ask. I do not want to attract too much attention.




Okay so I have heard of a few places down here to eat, however this section of Neriak is really known for its night life. After talking to a few bartenders, and dancers, they suggested heading back up to the Neriak Commons to "The Refined Palate". But before I head back I really do want to look at more of the historical sites.




"The Refined Palate" is located near the banking district. So you will find a lot of money being saved in this area. The restaurant keeps costs down by having the customer do most of the work. They offer a wide selection of meat including Bear, and they have a huge collection of ice cream treats. I think that I am going to try the Grilled Bear Stake Sandwich and Pumpkin Spiced Ice cream. Since it is cook your own, I had better get to it. Even if you are not the best cook you will find the staff willing but not happy to help out.




Neriak is the place to visit if you are looking to vacation out from under the Sun or witness a culture that is trying to remain true to their beliefs in an ever changing world. You will find areas dedicated to maintaining their culture, as other cultures are starting to leak in. One thing will be sure and that is the food will be fabulous. This is Rawiya Riya from deep inside Neriak wishing you fabulously delicious travels. Be Safe!