Real life first name: Larry
Forum handle: Email
Main Character name: Feif
Server: Quellious
Guild: Mortals of Injustice

Where in the real life world do you live? Huntsville, Alabama
How long have you played EQ? Beta Phase Three till now, so 7-8 years.
What other MMOs have you played?
-Realm - which was a 2d mud RPG and the only real MMO for a long time
-Beta: Piggyland - which was an online mmo trader type game
-Beta: The Fourth Coming - which was an overhead MMO RPG
-Beta: World of Warcraft - which has a better tradeskil system, barter setup, and has the ability to send items via e-mail, but the last thing I can afford is a game that sucks me away from family (after years of practice I am able to manage my time in Norrath).
What type of work do you do? Electrical Engineer - I blow bombs up with a laser
How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ? 2hr - 3hrs
What does a typical EQ day consist of for you? I check either my trader or my buyer to see what the guild is up to, and look over my guildchat log. If someone needs some extra help, I put them on priority and then log to my main sending him home to help out. If I'm on and a group in ORQ (Organized Raiders of Quellious) is working on their SHU (Special Hunters Unit) progression I try to do that. If nobody is doing anything, I login my Bard and Cleric duo and work on my evolving items and AA's. With only a few hours each night, you have to set your own goals. I like to keep my personal goals second, and help others achieve their own first.
What was the race and class of your very first character? Half Elf Bard, though I think Feif was originally Fief in Beta.
What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most? I do not like the idea of buying a game, blowing through it, and quitting to something different. That was what brought me to EQ in the first place. I used to play a lot of board games, but I usually refer to them as bored games. PC games are more interactive, and if I had to nail it down to one thing I have enjoyed about EQ, it has always been playing with others who have a positive attitude towards themselves and towards others.
What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest? Other than playing EQ, my main hobby is spent giving feedback on the messageboard. Regardless of whether it helps or not, I try to leave subtle hints for the devs to pickup on that not everyone has time for raids, guilds, etc and that for the most part many people consider themselves as casual gamers. Like it or not, real life - family, friends, etc - should always come first and there should always be some sort of mechanics in the game to help casual gamers keep up with their friends as well as allow them to go afk safely.
What is your highest level in EQ? Feif (bard) and Misress (cleric) are my highest characters (70 of course).
What race and class is your main character? Half Elf Bard
What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character? He's fast, versatile, soloable, groupable, raidable, and most of all loveable.
Does your main character worship a deity? Yes he follows Tunare, though sometimes I wish I had chosen Karana. Too bad there are no quests to allow you to change your deity preference, or be able to select a second.
How did you choose your main character's name? Under feudalism, a landed estate given by a lord to a vassal in return for the vassal's service to the lord. The vassal could use the fief as long as he remained loyal to the lord. Therefore my original name of Fief was the correct use; however, when I moved to Quellious that was unavailable so I became Feif.
Which classes in EQ have you NOT played? Ranger and Berzerker
What is your favorite expansion? DoDH when it was first released with all the extra group friendly features that were seen as as too easy by the devs and then nerfed due to an outcry from few outspoken non-casual players. There should be more ways than one to reach the upper tiers of the game. Though I do agree there were a few that were too easy to do, I loved the fact that players could help one another level on a rotational basis.
What is your favorite zone? The OLD splitpaw, as it was a good zone to teach others how to crawl through a zone. There were a lot of skill building areas in that one zone, which unfortunately no longer exists.
What is your favorite npc? Quillmane - We need more flying horses (and it wouldn't hurt to see her a bit more either).
Which expansion do you like the least? I think they all had their good points. SoE has yet to release a single expansion that did not have some useful aspect to it, though I must admit I waited 'years' to buy Gates of Discord due to the 'god' acronym.
Which zone do you like the least? PoK - I dread zoning in to PoK because it usually takes so long for all the graphics files to load. Some of the Kunark zones have that issue as well (trees and grass).
Which npc do you like the least? The invisible 'blank names' on tracking that are there for the sole purpose of ensuring your death.
What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters? That's a hard question due to the length of time I've played, maybe 95k at the most.
Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it? LOL - didn't I originate that thread? I've got an Earthshaker, a Manastone, and a Thex Dagger. None of which drop anymore, but are all valuable to me because they don't drop. It always saddens me to see things like the Earthshaker and Manastone get nerfed.
What do you like best about EverQuest? Interacting with others and helping others meet their goals.
What do you get out of playing EverQuest? Relaxation, lack of boredom, and friends - lots of friends.
Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest? Back when my wife played, it was playing side-by-side doing LDoNs. EQ is a great couples game if both enjoy the game; however, it can be the point of stress if one of their interests wane. I've tried to do my best to still be able to play EQ and enjoy real life with my wife and daughter. As always I look forward to being able to play, and I am happy to say that I've not burnt out by allowing it to become my sole focus in life.
Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site? I am an admin of our guild website and the ORQ website.