When facing encounters, whether you are in a single group or on large raid, there's always going to be a need for specific gear to match what you are up against. We wanted to implement a quicker way of customizing an entire armor set on-the-fly. For this purpose, we are introducing Energeian Power Source Items with The Buried Sea.

Features of Energeian Power Source Items
The Energeian Power Source Items feature covers two separate changes to equipment. First, it introduces a new type of armor. This armor is built to pull energy from a power source, the second new equipment type. These power sources provide specific effects to different armor types. Key to this concept is that the armor is just a conduit, but the actual effects come from the power source itself.

Power Source
The power source is a new item slot, similar to charms that can be gained with The Buried Sea expansion. This new slot houses power source items which are intrinsically tied to powered armor. All effects stem directly from the power source.

The power sources are charged items that are used up either over time or as their effects go off. Static effects, such as improving stats, will drain a certain amount of charge per second. Dynamic effects, like a proc, will drain a certain amount of charge every time that effect is used. When a power source is used up, it will cease to impart its effect upon the armor pieces and will need to be replaced.

The power source displays the charge that is being drained off of it by the item that is being powered.

Item before the power source
Item after the power source

All visible armor slots, including weapons and shields, are able to make use of the power sources.

Energeian items come in a variety of purities, which reflect the percentage of the full effect that the armor pulls out of the power source.

Power Source Effects
The power sources can add a large variety of effects. This includes static effects such as increasing stats and granting effects to a piece of armor.

Replacing a Power Source
Power sources can be changed at any time. A new power source will take effect immediately upon being slotted.

With this new feature, your inventory will be freed up enough to carry along some extra food, drink, arrows, or even some of those fun illusion items you always have to store in the bank when going hunting.