Guild Name: Friends of Xegony
Server: Xegony
Guild Leader's Name: Dranka

How did your guild name get chosen? Was looking for something that showed we were friendly and what server we are on… lol the name just fit.

Are you the original leader of the guild? Yes.

When did your guild come into existence? Well a few friends from our main guild and also our allied guilds wanted a place to play our lower level toons, after playing in the TSS zones we decided to just use FoX as a secondary guild.

Do you have a website dedicated for your guild? Not as of yet.

How many members do you have in your guild? We have over 40 toons that's about 12 real people.

What kind of ranking system do you have? There are 4 main founders including Mezzrah and myself…then we have about 6 other officers.

Is there much opportunity for advancement within the guild? Sense it's a guild of friends any one can move up the ranks if they wanted to.

What are your current recruiting goals? We look for people whom are laid back and not in a rush to get the "uber"gear.

Does your guild have a 'charter' and other rules that you abide by to help hold the team together? Yes play nice and treat each other with respect.

What are some benefits that your guild offers that other guilds don't? A home for toons with out mandatory raiding restrictions.

Does your guild exist in other games? No.

What type of guild do you have, ie: family, casual raiders, hardcore raider, etc.? We are a tight family style guild.

What content are you currently working on in the game? Any thing we can do, as long as we have fun.

Is role playing an important aspect for your guild? At times yes, but it is not enforced.

Can you go through some of your great battles and quests you've conquered as a guild? We are working on our epic's 1.0 so they are all great in there own way, its also a trip down memory lane.

How often does your guild participate in these events on a weekly basis? When ever we can.

What is the most exciting event you can recall with your guild. Something that makes you think back and say to yourself, "This is why I play this game..." I would have to say doing all those epic raids, its like revisiting the game all over again. It make the game seamed renewed.

Who would you say is the toughest battle you have encountered? Killing in Seb to get the bards epic piece there.

What has been the best expansion for the guild? TSS by far.

What advice might you give to people just starting out with a new guild or planning to start one? Have fun AND don't rush, take your time.

What makes your guild unique? We are true friends and know how to play well with others.