This is a new ongoing storyline that will be updated each Thursday (pending any oddities) on the EQPlayers website. Feel free to discuss the story over on The Theater section of the EQ official forums. A Scent of Fire discussion.

A Scent of Fire

Part 1 – March 23, 2007

Part 2 – March 29, 2007

As the conversation continues, Gartekel explains to them how it all came about.

"Rae`Lizzia Karsyllo, a devote follower of Solusek Ro, was once a student of Ghanlin Skyphire. Her husband Mortiker Karsyllo was a shadowknight, follower of Cazic-Thule. Rae`Lizzia was often frowned upon because of her marriage to this dreaded heretic. Because Mortiker was not allowed to step foot into Erudin, Rae`Lizzia rarely traveled in the city herself. She only made the journey to study in the tower of the Crimson Hands.

Late one night, while Rae`Lizzia was studying in the tower of the Crimson Hands, Mortiker and a few of his companions schemed to sneak into Erudin and steal scrolls from the Library. Their plan was well laid out, however, they didn't anticipate that a traitor would be amongst them. The Deepwater Knights heard rumors of the heretics plot and sent paladin Davikor Matinn to infiltrate their activities. Once the pillagers broke into the grand library several armed sentinels were there to capture them. Mortiker, refusing to be captured made a run for the forest. Just as he reached the outskirts of the city, he felt a blade cutting through him as he dropped to the ground.

To prevent resurrection, Mortiker's body was burned and his ashes were placed in an urn, which was then coated with a magical shield and buried in an unknown location. When Rae`Lizzia found out about her husband, she was irate with the Crimson Hands and the city officials. She immediately left the city vowing to destroy them all. Rae`Lizzia then disappeared from everyone's sight until recently.

After searching across Norrath, I discovered that Rae`Lizzia has obtained the Tome of Blazing Darkness. It has been said that this sacred tome once belonged to an ancient wizard of the old ages. Little is known about the tome but ancient myths deem it to be empowered with forces of Solusek Ro and capable of controlling flames beyond known magical means. No living being has ever seen the tome so its existence was not proven, however, the Crimson Hands have been seeking the Tome of Blazing Darkness for many years."

"With her vow for revenge and her thirst for blazing glory" Gartekel continues, "Rae`Lizzia has become obsessed with proving herself to the Burning Prince. She believes it is her destiny to walk amongst the flames. She has the ability to produce a mirage form of herself and channel through that mirage to summon the creatures of flames. To defeat her will be nearly impossible."

Ghanlin interrupts and motions Gartekel to come closer as he begins to speak with a quieter tone. "Gartekel. We must keep Rae`Lizzia Karsyllo from continuing with her madness. While the others and I determine how to find and defeat Rae`Lizzia Karsyllo's mortal form, I place you in charge of recruiting forces to destroy her mirage and the minions of flames whenever they surface. However, we must not let word of the Tome of Blazing Darkness go further than these walls. Do you understand the importance of the task I employ you with?"

Gartekel pauses for a few moments as he lets out a breath and replies, "Aye Ghanlin, I understand what must be done." He then looks around the room as he walks back down the stairs, which seem to be a bit steeper than when he climbed them earlier.