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Server: The Nameless
Guild: Maelthrarosin

Where in the real life world do you live?
Ft. Smith, Arkansas

How long have you played EQ?
I have played since 2002. I would play at my sister's house until I actually got my own account and began to trek through Norrath on my own and with friends that I had already made.

What other MMOs have you played?
DragonCourt (where I got my start in 2000), EverQuest 2, WoW

What type of work do you do?
I am many things. Depending on the season, I am a Cook/Waitress by summer. During the winter I am a stay at home mom. Five children are a lot to keep up with.

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
Actual play time I would have to say 4-5 hours. My PC can be up at anytime sitting idle in game for guild purposes if I am needed. Otherwise, my husband is online on Maxamous out and about the world.

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
Depending upon the day of the week as to what my day actually consists of. Generally I am organizing for future events and working on the webpages for the guild as it is a new guild. First thing I do when I log on, usually quietly, I take care of guild bank, mail, recruits, and speaking with my officers in channel before I begin announcing what my plans are for the game day and saying hello. A lot of times through the week we are preparing for raids and such for the weekend. There are a great amount of people on The Nameless server that are dedicated to helping those around them. I feel I am amongst those and contribute to the community as a whole no matter the guild.

What was the race and class of your very first character?
My very first Character was an Erudite Mage. Her name was Uumini and still exists at level 48.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I finally got into gaming after the Internet became affordable in a remote mountain area south of where I live now, which was in 1999. Yes, very behind the times and stoneage as they do not have DSL to many areas yet. I had found a free online clicky game called Dragon Court which I still go in and play from time to time. From there we found the Ezboards full of guilds for Dragon Court and found many Friends that Roleplayed actively. From there my characters were built well before I ever came to EverQuest. EverQuest was frequently talked about and I finally purchased a computer in 2003 to handle the graphics. I still play on the same PC to this day.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest?
Along with EverQuest, I am a Webmistress for Many different websites on Ezboard and for Guild Portal. I believe that the last count for the sites were 15. Many are integrated and follow from one board to another. I take care of the Maintenance for each and many of the Graphics for avatars, banners, and videos for the sites. Many have few visitors and are the vets that have not moved on to other games, or left entirely due to real life issues that prevent them from playing anymore.

I am a musician at heart. I still play any instrument I can get my hands on. Each of my children have learned or learning to play an instrument and learning the fine arts of life as they watch me create music and art everyday of my life. We all write and sing songs at every opportunity. Not to be vain, but; My Children are my Masterpieces and always will be in my heart.

I also write. I have been working on a series of books for almost seven years now. I hope one day to have them published one day as the roads of two worlds come together. EverQuest and others that have same interests have been an inspiration for me through my travels in the writing world. Creating a New world has been a passion of mine and gathering things from different area's has always been an adventure of its own.

What is your highest level in EQ?
My highest level is 72 and climbing. I am a guild leader, but I do not always set the example of leveling. I am usually too busy helping others get what they need done or dealing with other issues that come with running a guild and starting anew.

What race and class is your main character?
My main character is a Dark Elf, Necromancer.

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
I feel that my character will always have some place to go and have a place in the world. No matter the changes made through out Norrath, I can solo, be with friends in a camp, and put out decent damage in raid or in a group mission no matter what anyone else thinks. I am a raid wipe Cleric's best friend. Just hope since I was the only one that survived that they don't decide to kill the necro after the raid.

Does your main character worship a deity?
*coughs* umm... Innoruuk *smiles* yeah that is it. Anyone that knows me. I am basically KOS in my own town *giggles and runs* Some goof told me to work for the Wayfarer's Brotherhood. I can actually walk around in Firiona Vie and not get killed. I have no clue outside of that how in the world I accomplished this, but leave it to me. I will accomplish something of this nature and not know any different until its too late.

How did you choose your main character's name?
I am a big fan of different Sci-Fi 'ish, Mid Evil movies. My favorite at the time was Kull the Conqueror with Kevin Sorbo. (No I do not actually have a thing for any actor/actress; just liked the movie.) Akivasia was the actual spelling of the Character's name in that movie. Of course, nothing on any board would take once I decided to create her. So I wound up with the spelling, Akevashia; which has just stuck with everything that I do. I didn't know evil could be so much fun until I created her.

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
I would have to say a bard. Oddly enough.

What is your favorite expansion?
I don't have a favorite expansion as the game is what it is. A never ending world of Expansions and Worlds left yet unexplored. A favorite would be too hard to choose.

What is your favorite zone?
So far my favorite zone has been Lake of Ill Omen. There is a great story behind it as well as was my first trip there. It will always remain as an outstanding part of my EverQuest life.

What is your favorite npc?
If I had to choose one. My pet. It doesn't talk back and I reign supreme!

Which expansion do you like the least?
I cannot say anything bad about the expansions. Details within the expansions I can. There will always be something in every expansion that someone isn't going to like. Being able to explore new worlds and know you will get there with friends and guildies is always an adventure to be involved in.

Which zone do you like the least?
I have not found a zone that I have gone to that I dislike. This question is very vague. I hate being level 72 and asked to go to Baston of Thunder or other low zone to Hunt. Unless there is a mission behind the group or a purpose greater than just Hunting, I go. Otherwise, graphics are still good.

Which npc do you like the least?
My pet. He dies too much. I am one of the few necros you will see forget to bring up a pet. He is between being pathetic and totally UBER. I am a perfectionist and if I cannot get my pet to do what I want him to do. Then he goes bye bye. Especially if I am pulling. I have better things to spend my AAs on at the moment *smiles* I am a wizzy wanna be.

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
I am not a character that buys much for equipment and armor. I have earned my armor and equipment with guildies, on my own, and with gifts from dear friends who have come across items and knew that I could use them. I think 10K for the GoD solvent is the most I have spent.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
My Drachnid Thyxal. This was a gift from a Dark Elf Warrior, Carmon and his faithful friend an Iskar Monk Shallah, that I roleplayed with on the server. We roleplayed throughout the whole time we were in the Dreadlands and had a blast. To this day the story we wrote out on the boards sticks out in my mind. Carmon in Real life is like a brother to me and kept all the other 'men' in line and made sure they treated me like a lady. He is also the one that helped me to learn my character and class to the fullest extent of his knowledge.

What do you like best about EverQuest?
The friends, The sense of family that I get from people across the world. It has been one of the most memorable experiences in my life. When no one else was around. The friends I have here were. In time, through the years of play, many I still raid with on a regular basis now we all have found one another once again.

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
When I first started playing EverQuest, it was to stay in contact with my sister. As time went on it became a support system for me when I found myself alone with the kids and my husband overseas in Baghdad. There were many nights when friends would sit up with me and help me keep my fears at bay. Even on the nights when he would call and you could actually hear the mortar fire in the background and the guns firing off, only to say. "Baby, I gotta go." Thanks the stars and heavens that he came home safe and is an active member in the EverQuest Community.

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
My best experience from playing EverQuest is the Days of The Innoruuk Server. When every time you logged on there was a Role Play some where and people were having fun doing it. Great story lines that followed along with the lore and adventures of the game itself. House of Decay comes fresh to my mind. There were many others that joined in on the fun and one day met Akevashia's Role Play husband online. Though they have yet to have an In Game wedding, they do have RPG boards that are still active today where worlds of all different games have crossed into one. It is a different experience all of its own.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site? (if so provide the web address too!)
I am not sure what you call a fan site, but these are the ones I own, run, and assist running that have some semblance of EverQuest and our Guild Site.
  • http://www.maelthrarosin.com- This site is still under construction but slowly coming together as quickly as possible.
  • http://p066.ezboard.com/backerron - Home of Carmon and Akevashia Majere resides here.
  • http://p098.ezboard.com/bamordetodos - The original site of Amor De Todos. The banner here portrays what we thought our Characters looked like when we thought giving it a movie theme would be fun. The leaders of Amor De Todos is Firremasster and his lovely wife Ladyfiree. Maxamous is my RL husband's character and Unicia is my cleric.
  • http://p104.ezboard.com/bheartsofhonor - This guild is long gone but is apart of the EverQuest 1 and 2 world. I never had the heart to delete anything.
  • http://p207.ezboard.com/bleeanneslair - This is the site where my sister and I started it all with the combined EverQuest and Dragon Court Fan sites. Our stories carried over from there to EverQuest and Much from over the years can be found there in the library and archives.

Choosing one site was difficult but this is the best of the Old and New. Giving anyone who wishes to know fantasy can find it anywhere in a different perspective than they themselves could ever imagine.