Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

What's the best way to get back into EQ? – Started by Community Member Eleyan
My question is mainly, how do I get back into this game? I have about 9k mana pool with buffs/clickies, decent amount of mana regen, my gear probably isn't good anymore. Where should I be going to level to 75, will my gear even be good enough for exp stuff?

Older Raid Content – Started by Community Member Destil02
I came into the game about a year and a half ago. Since then PoP seems to be the starting point for most guilds just starting to raid. Its fertile ground for learning, but so far, compared to groupable gear from DoDH and above (left out DoN because that just takes time to gather crystals) most of the gear pre-elementals isn't worth the effort. This is not an effort to increase the value of this gear.

So is there anyway to add a spawn trigger, or dramatically decrease the respawn timer, on pre-elemental raid targets? Because based on our current elimination of progression targets, it would take nearly 2 years to complete an expansion this old... heck it took us 3 weeks to catch TT up on a raid day, and even then someone killed her before we got there (was checked either the night before or the morning before the raid). That put us off another 3 weeks before we found her up again on a raid day.

Idea for new casino ticket/prizes – Started by Community Member Maelinmage
I think its time to take a look at the casino, and perhaps introduce a new ticket/prize category. Call it a platinum ticket, it would be harder to get than the gold ticket(say an average of 1/2 to 1/10 the frequency of a gold ticket). For the Grand prizes, we could put in some of the novelty items that no longer drop in game.

Here's my list of suggested items for the grand prize for a platinum ticket.

1) Earthshaker
2) Earring of Living Slime
3) Mask of tinkering
4) Manastone(I know its been nerfed but some servers do not have any)
5) Pre Nerf Circlet of shadow(again limited usefulness but also does not drop anymore)

For the no drop prizes the GM all/all illusion such as the Wreath of Takish Hiz may be neat.

Flippety ~ Movies and Cartoons – Shared by Community Member flippety
I finished a revamped version of my old website. It's very simple, but that makes it easier to navigate. You will find all the new movies all the new and every cartoon I have ever made there. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to link it wherever you wish.

Nice and easy to remember. =)

EverQuest Trivia #301 - Game started by Community Member Aandolaff