Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia #303 - Game started by Community Member Sebekiz, the winner of EverQuest Trivia #302.

Channeling: Caster vs Melee – Discussion started by Community Member xirtket
It has always been an annoyance to me that melee can quite often times channel better then a caster. I've had numerous accounts where I can channel a 10 second clicky with my Beastlord with multiple mobs beating on her, and I can't channel a 3 second spell with my Necro. The problems come into play when you factor in melee mitigation/avoidance abilities. Melee get as an example: block, dodge, parry, riposte etc, plus they get the benefit of wearing higher ac gear thus further increasing their avoidance/mitigation. Silk casters get: a dodge skill of 205 and that's it. We wear silk so our ac is low; our mitigation is very poor as is our avoidance. So it's because of melee having the extra mods they can most of the time out channel a caster, which imo is wrong… Any thoughts? Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with fizzling etc. purely channeling a successful spell.

Rarity of Loot – Discussion started by Community Member Gnomereaper
The problem is that with more time and the increase in rarity is that it takes longer to gear players. Great concept in theory, but poor in the fact that as things become more rare people that have lower gear will gear up slower; especially in specific drops such as aggro weapons with warriors and other such "special" cases. What are your thoughts on "rarity", LPH, and etc?

Support of guild alliances by metaguild functionality – Proposed by Community Member Tulluan_AB
I would to raise a topic again concerning the support of guild alliances.

  1. The introduction of metaguild-structures/alliance structures in game e.g. by setting guild relationships within an guild alliance (could be an optional 2nd tag). This relationship could be set and modified by all guild leaders for their own guild.
  2. On the base of this alliance structure an alliance roster could be add to the guild roster showing the online friends of the whole alliance helping us to find easier a group than only by the existing alliance chat channel.
  3. Also helpful could be the extension of the guild bank towards alliance bank deposits, alliance bankers should be named as guild bankers by guild leaders.
  4. The guild banner should be extended to an alliance banner simply as it is.

Demiplane - Skip Tier 1 – Proposed by Community Member Kneesmasher_Torv
What I have found though, is Tier 1 (ZT, RF, Sisters and Hatchet) are a total waste of time now. Everything rots. It's just something you have to slug your way through to get to anything worthwhile. While our Alts are happy about this, it does very little for the guild except wasting several hours of time. We have to clear Tier 1 to get to Tier 2 where we still need some drops...although not many. Tier 1 adds no value anymore.

What I'd like to see is some "Pass Key" for guilds who have beaten Tier 1 mobs so many times that they've proven they can do it and they no longer need the drops there. For instance, say...after a guild has beaten Redfang 25 times (or 30 times or 40 times...pick a number) you have the option to start bypassing Tier 1 and going straight to Devlin or which ever event in Tier 2 you kill first. For us it's usually Devlin, then Tris, then Roley, then Performer. But, I'm sure other guilds do it differently.

New MGB AA Idea – Proposed by Community Member NasaChimp
Implementing an AA that lowers the reuse timer on MGB would be very helpful for any class that uses it. In fact, I would not mind saving up 20 AAs to lower the reuse time by 15 min, and another 20 AAs to do the same.