Trolikkujwhalloo shouts, "Looking for Group, please send a tell." "Hello… why doesn't anyone want to send me a tell?"

Do people not want to send you tells? Perhaps your name isn't as clever as you originally thought. Here are some tips on picking a Character Name in EverQuest.

Creating a Name

One of the most difficult choices you have when starting a new character when playing any game is what to name your character. It's the name you will have from level 1 all the way until you retire your character, and in some cases, behind that afterlife! So it's important to select a name that you feel comfortable portraying.

For EverQuest, you can choose a name in two ways; type a name or get a computer generated name.

    Type in a Name:
    To type in a name, click in the open field above the Get Name button and type in the name you wish to create.

    Generated Names:
    To get a generated name, simply click on the Get Name button and the field will auto-populate with a name that fits your character's race/class combination. Keep in mind that it is a random letter generator though and may not always select something suitable for you. You can keep clicking on the Get Name button until you find a name you like. Even with this open, you can still edit the letters to make up a different name.

Before selecting a name, make sure you understand the Character Naming Policy. If you are unclear about the name you have selected, you can always ask us about it.

Once you have selected a name, click on Create Character. If your name is available or isn't automatically rejected it will create the character for you.

What's in a Name

In the Character Naming Policy, the very first thing we mention is that Character names in EverQuest should reflect the genre of the game. Original, high-fantasy names are desired.

But what does that mean? There's no set guideline on what a fantasy name should be, however, here's Zatozia's racial name guideline to help get you started:

    Barbarian – Barbarian names tend to have names that relate close to their region and the strength of their character. Their names tend to be fairly simple; easy to pronounce but still sound strong. Combinations sometimes contain variations of jor, orm, han, orf, nor, uce, wal, and har.

    Dark Elf – Dark elf names tend to be very serious. Lore-wise, you'll find a lot of dark elf names passed down from generation to generation. Combinations sometimes contain variations of vah, tza, aza, oza, za, zen, ae, lav shar, iel, ubi, num, uil, and other unique combinations

    Drakkin – Drakkin names usually relate closely to their dragon bloodline the Circle of the Crystalwing. Combinations sometimes contain variation of vesh, dyn, vene, dra, mys, ata, osh, kei, and lin.

    Dwarf – Like dwarves themselves, their names tend to be very proud and straight forward. Their names are usually easy to pronounce and contain combinations like mer, hon, aar, kan, dur, aaf, or nan.

    Erudites – Erudite names are usually pretty serious, hard to pronounce, to reflect their intelligence. Combinations sometimes contain variations of zen, ae, iel, ubi, num, uil, obil, and other unique combinations.

    Froglok, Trolls and Ogres – These races often tend to have strange combinations of letters in their names including hard sounding names with double consonants. Combinations sometimes contain variations of gg, ugg, guk, gok, mau, lok, gk, ukkm bul or ogg.

    Gnomes – Gnome names are probably the most fun to make. More than any other class, their names really can depend on whether they are good or evil. Good aligned names tend to be cute and fun, while evil aligned names will be more dark and serious and harder to pronounce. Combinations sometimes contain variations of giz, ikki, xat, tin, nik, wan, til, ben, lit, bik, ea, and fil,

    Halfling – Halfling names are usually fairly short, very easy to pronounce and appear to be very friendly. Combinations sometimes contain variations anna, iggo, appo, immi, enlo, obb, or other fun combinations.

    Half Elf – Half Elf names are usually a combination of wood elf or human names. They usually close to nature, or rather close to Tunare or Karana or terms relating to those deities and can be variations of real world names. Combinations sometimes contain variations of yen, leg, wen, dil, or nlu.

    High Elf– High Elf names usually tend to be serious and they get passed down from generation to generation. They are sometimes hard to pronounce but not always. Various combinations include qen, yen, iad, qal, wen, qon, aar, eon, aen, nae, qin, and ain.

    Humans – Human names are generally closest to real world names. Many times you'll find people taking their real names or a family member's real names (usually their kid's name) and modifying just a little bit to add a bit of fantasy to it like adding a few letters.

    Iksar – Iksar names tend to closely resemble reptilian names. You'll find the letters to be exaggerated for the sake of pronunciation. Combinations sometimes contain variations of sz, sza, aak, rik, sis, tziss, kaar, and izzi.

    Vah Shir – Many people use cute sounding kitty cat names for Vah Shir. While its not the best choice, we know it happens! Vah Shir names may closely resemble human names but can also include more exotic combinations of letters. Combinations sometimes contain variations of kria, abit, shu, abu, kra, tab, rir, ori, isa, aab, jra, and taz

    Wood Elf – Wood Elf names are usually close to nature, or rather close to Tunare or Karana or terms relating to those deities. Combinations sometimes contain variations of yen, leg, wen, dil, nlu, or variations of wind and spirit.

There are several random name generators available on the internet. All you need to do is search for Random Name Generator in Google or using other search engines.

Community Friendly

It's important to think about others when selecting your character's name. Your character's name is what everyone will associate with you.

    Easy Pronunciation:
    Select name that is easy to pronounce or that at least you can pronounce when asked. If you cannot even pronounce it yourself, it's probably not a good name for your character!

    Easy Familiarity:
    If you are known in other games as a particular name, it may make it easier for you to use a similar name in EverQuest to help people remember your character's name.

    Easy Communication:
    Think about others when choosing your name. If you send out a /shout, /ooc that you want someone to contact you via a tell because either you are looking for a group or need new group members, you're more likely to get a respond if your name is easy to type. In other words, you're more likely to get contacted if your name is something like George instead of Ggeeorgeoitses.

Name Restrictions

As mentioned before, make sure you understand the Character Naming Policy before selecting a name. Here are some other restrictions on names:

  • Character names in EverQuest need to be 3 to 15 characters long.

  • Character names must begin with a Capital letter and cannot contain additional capital letters.

  • Character names cannot contain too many consonants or vowels in a row. Example: A name like Adddeam or Adddoooo may get automatically rejected.

  • Character names cannot contain spaces, dashes or special characters (#, ?, -, etc.)

Name Filter

Just because you get a name pass the name filter it doesn't mean that you'll be able to keep the name. If your name violates the naming policy, it may be reported by others and changed by Customer Service. If Customer Services needs to change your name, they sometimes may need to do so without giving you an option for a new name.

Changing Character Names

If you happen to have a name that you regret choosing, you can look into getting it changed through the EverQuest Name Change Service.

To share additional tips, join the EverQuest Character Names discussion over on the Official EverQuest Forums.