Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

One power spell for each class - Discussion started by Community Member Diet_Canada
Just for fun think of 1 powerful spell or even disc for any class EQ class. Don't expect this stuff to get in game of course so can feel free to make it overpowered.

Pet peeves with buffs – Discussion started by Community member Kamion-
1) Clicky buffs - Why do some clicky buffs, that are intended to be used to full time, have such short base duration? Sometimes it feels like I'm renewing clickies every other mob in XP groups. I see no reason why the duration of all click buffs, that are intended to be used full time, can't be raised to an hour+. It won't help you kill mobs faster, so it wouldn't be over powering – it would just take away an annoying aspect of the game (constantly fumbling through your clicky bag to renew buffs) from the game.

2) Resurrection Effects - My only problem with resurrection effects is the fact it goes into the first buff slot.

/hidecorpse groupmemberlooted – Discussion shared by Community Member -Kela-the-Gypsy-
A feature that I thought would be nice in addition to the current functionality of /hidec or /hidecorpse would be to hide the corpses that have been checked by someone else. Many groups have a single person designated as the looter in a group for clearing corpses or checking for loot. That person is able to use /hidec looted which is very nice. The people who aren't looters either have to keep hiding everything or leave a whole bunch of corpses lying around.

If theres something they need to pieces and whatnot, they then have to go searching through the corpses to find the item. This would just be a nice functionality if its possible. Also… would be able to check corpses that they had forgotten, etc.

Newbie Wish List – Discussion started by Community Member ryanshelby
As a new player to the game there are always times when an idea pops up that I'd love to share with the developers. So in lieu of being able to find an appropriate Forum I'm staring this thread for peeps to share their basic wish list. Here's my first couple:

1) Create a Loot All button when looting corpses (especially my own). We have a LINK ALL, and there is plenty of room for another button. With my satellite connection this would be awesome to have.

2) It would have been real nice when I first started to have an NPC in the main zone explain some basic concepts to me. Examples, that the POK even existed and what its for. I ran from zone to zone for about 4 months before someone showed me the POK stone. This was addressed with the tutorial to a large degree, but still might be something to think about.

3) Its really impossible to complete the Pally 1.0 quest given that people kill the dragons almost immediately upon spawn. We need to either a) remove/distribute the loot to make them less attractive, 2) create alternative mobs with the drops (expansion mobs would be good), or 3) make Lady Vox/Nagafen soloable at any level.

Visible Faction hit Bar – Discussion started by Community Member rter
Is there ANY way possible to see where I am in terms of the next faction hit? I've been working on loyalist faction for quite some time now and dear goodness how I bang my head against the wall wondering when my next faction bump is coming. Possibly could there be an AA or even just innate ability to see when you'll get your next faction hit? (Like from dubious to apprehensive) Also, is it worth running all the way out to MPG or RCoD (Ruined City of Dranik) for those faction hits or are they the same as Dranik's scar?

EverQuest Trivia #309 – Game started by Community Member Magnoliae, the winner of EverQuest Trivia #308.