Congratulations to the winners of the Secrets of Faydwer Beta Access Challenge #2!

For this challenge, we asked everyone to write a Haiku about Meldrath's clockworks based on lore from the Unfolding the Lore articles 1 - 4 on the EQPlayers Website.

Some of the submissions were in the of a simple haiku and others were in a story haiku format. Many community members submitted more than one haiku; some even added an extra syllable... ooops! The First, Second, and Third place winners will be contacted early next week.

Here are the winners:

First Place Winners:

Across the vast sea
The city of Ak'Anon
Lived special twin boys

Conjoined into one
Mom sought to separate them
Meldrath is now two

Good, bad, ugly, handsome
Mother now sees her folly
The good half flies off

Meldrath the Mad stays
The hatred burns in his eyes
He is sent away

An outcast to Mom
Shunned by the community
The mines become home

A Fortress he built
For Vengeance and pain he plots
He will rule the day

Three Gyrospires built
Only Azia was laid low
They will protect him

Long has he waited
All his plans fall into place
Mechanotus flies

He envisions screams
They will fall before his might
His vengeance complete

Faydwer Citizens
Our Homeland is in peril!
Heed my call to arms!

Bring friends and allies
Call to all Norrathians
To cooperate

Enemies of Yore
Must now face the common threat
From Meldrath the Mad

Battle for honor
Against clockworks and machines
Blood and flesh shall win

Dwarves of Kaladim!
Let minotaur flesh be cleaved
With Dwarven Axes

Elves of the forest!
Stop this affront to nature
May arrows fly true

Elves of the city!
Unleash your might and magic
Stop the madness now

Gnomes, hold off the threat
Reinforcements are coming
Together We'll stand

Ogres, Trolls, and Men,
Barbarians and Vah Shir,
Come and join the fight

Let brownies, machines,
Minotaurs and mad men die
When Norrath unites!

Meldrath, you'll be stopped
Soon your lab will be falling,
Burning to the ground
Nuts, Bolts, Gears, and Steam
Master Meldrath Shall be King
Bring forth the Machines

Gnomes Rise to a Boom
Mountains Appear out of Sight
As Gnomes Flee with Fear

As you rise above
The fortress Mechanotus
Gears and steam you see

Yet all is silent
Except for clicking clockworks
Turn back traveler

For here you enter
A stronghold long forgotten
Where cogs and gears strive

An evil yet sleeps
Untold of for ages past
Never should it wake

lo! Meldrath by Lenwaen Elvenbeam

Minotaurs stomping
Brownies maintaining the keep
lo! Meldrath looms nigh!

Shaking and breaking
The Tower comes a'quaking
lo! Meldrath looms high!

Energy crackles
Grease is tended and spackled
lo! Meldrath looms low!

A tower of death
Zeka the Chaotic one
lo! Meldrath looms not!

Rising from the soil
Mechanotus is now known
lo! Meldrath now comes!

The Heroes gather
A battle is to be fought
lo! Meldrath undone?

Story 1
On top the fortress,
in his mansion, Meldrath waits.
Revenge fills his mind.

The time is coming.
Soon Ak'Anon shall tremble.
Mechanotus Flies.

Lulled by deception.
Knowing not what to expect.
Will the gnomes survive?

Story 2
Beginning as three,
Azia, Beza, and Zeka,
they stood proud and tall.

The eldest is gone.
Ak`Anon attacked the tower.
Gnomes brought Azia down.

Second is Beza.
Gnomes, brownies, and minotaurs,
Clockworks Dominate!

Success is Zeka.
Steamwork Captain kills living.
Safe? Only Meldrath.

Story 3
Two sustain Fortress.
SHIP Workshop is beside.
Factory below.

Towed by a large chain.
Grigano oversees it.
For experiments.

Danger in the pods.
Produces little or no,
but for explosions.

Down beneath the ground.
Heart of Mel's Operations.
Tunnels, mines, and caves.

Steamworks guard and work.
Minotaurs handle the slaves.
Brownies work or thwart.

Gnomish mind gone mad
Deadly designs Tick & Tock
Creeping, clanking doom

Second Place Winners:

In Fort Mechanotus
Meldrath's Majestic Mansion
The doom of the Gnomes

Tinker Tinkerer
There are steamworks to be made
And Gnomes to be slain

Oh Meldrath the Mad
Where has your brother gone to?
What makes you so mad?

The brownies rebel
The salvation of Faydwer?
Or just a lost cause?

Glowing red eyes, heat!
Pungent smell of oil and grease!
Death waits, visitor.

The dawn greets Steamfont
All is quiet in the hills
Underground it stirs.

Charlotte's whirring stops
Forpar looks to the heavens
It happens quickly

The mountains rise up
A juggernaut claims the sky
It's a bird? A plane?

It's Mechanotus
Holding aloft its master
Revenge shall be his

Look up to the sky
see Meldrath's bold creation
It brings death to gnomes

Mother's hasty act
A balance is torn in two
Evil is unleashed

Rebels under ground
Brownies with silent attack
Will their cause succeed?

Three great towers built
one dead, one to stay as built
one loathsome of life.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, whirr...
nigh is the time of meldrath
now the clockworks stir

Once conjoined as one
torn asunder with magic sword
Evil now remains.

O, great Ak'Anon, prepare thyselves
A terrible shadow fills the sky
Meldrath is coming for you

All Faydwer trembles
Fortress Mechanotus takes to flight
Meldrath the Mad has returned

All Ak'Anon falls silent
Only cries fill the darkness
Meldrath has arrived

'Tis the Fortress in the sky, I seek
My sword and my friends with me
This adventure is not for the weak

'Tis the Fortress in the sky, I seek
My sword and my friends with me
A quest to test our mettle once more

Beza and Zeka we survived
On to the Mansion, we trek
Brownie rebels need our help

Minotaur, clockwork, brownie loyal
Await us inside, we will prevail
Meldrath, you better go hide

All Faydwer trembles
Fortress takes to flight
Meldrath has returned

Ak'Anon prepares
Terrible shadow fills sky
Meldrath is coming

Ak'Anon falls dark
Only hushed cries fill the black
Meldrath has arrived

Fortress in the sky
My Sword and my friends with me
A quest to test us

Beza and Zeka
We survived, on to mansion
Rebels need out help.

Meldrath grunts and sighs
while clockworks all stop and cry
one needs more petrol!

in the lesser fay
the tremors have left behind
shaking brownie brains

beneath the deep tomb
scions and trueborn give boon
to gnomes who hide them

fear the mecha gnome
who will crush those unwary
screaming: train to zone!

a crystal dragon
sleeping under watchful eyes
worlds will know its fury

Malevolent plans
Unfold upon the good gnomes
His fortress rising.

Ak'Anon dismayed
Its shadow cast on the hills
His home rising still.

Heroes of new lore
Bearing hope through the darkness
His fortress looming.

Fighting for their lives
Ending selfish desires
His home awaits them.

*Click* *Whirrr* --Malfunction--
"Syntax error in request
"From Zatozia."

"Meldreth is good..." *Twitch*
"Primary objective lost"
*Tick* Begin shutdown.

Meldrath's steamworks rise
At the faint red eventide
Ak'Anon trembles.

Mustering his troops
"How can we survive his strike?"
The good king ponders.

Bringing forth terror
Crimson optics glow fiercely
Conquest within sight.

Steam billows and plumes
Hear the grinding of the gears
Tinker in his palace.

Look clanking machine
We have been over this before
Do not step on me

Giant metal pig
You quake and shake, rattle and break
Why do I ride you?

The factory looms
What evil lurks with in its walls?
Enter and find out.

Third Place Winners:

Here it come
Again and again
It will never end

A secret hidden
By simple exploration
We must be very bold

The ticking was heard
Meldraths brought his mansion for war
The gnomes begin to fear

Meldrath, oh Meldrath
Your plans will crush at our hands
What's wrong in your head?

Meldrath, oh Meldrath
Enslaving those poor Brownies
We shall set them free.

Fighting valiantly
homeland and King we defend
Gnomes marching to war.

We protect Steamfont
it is our home and pride
answer our Kings call.

Crash in the distance
Who was harmed when it came down
Meldrath's eyes show no care

brownies in cold chains
fought in vain how can we aid
when red eyes come tonight

Mechanotus Comes
Hate filled heart burns steam hot
Will the gnomes survive?

Adventure thrives here
Norrath bands together now
We Will not perish

Steam billows heavily
to wipe hated ones away
but courage stands strong
Quicksilver is tamed
Broken horns accept a yoke
Steam marches to war

Windmills and widgets
Earth bulges with steel malice
The doom of the elves

Building his mansion,
Waiting for the time to come,
To strike down old foes.

Building his mansion,
Waiting for the time to come,
To strike at Ak'Anon.

Meldrath the mad gnome
gnomes, brownies and minotaurs
Meldrath built minions

Meldrath you are wise
Yet we will plot your demise
Gnomish Battle Cries.

Has the war began?
No matter what shall occur,
Norrath will conquer.

Wind-ups swapped for steam,
Faster, stronger it would seem,
Don't rely on these!

A new vengeance comes,
Crushed or killed none would survive,
On steam, wind or breathe,

Mansion of metal
Grinding gears covered in oil

look, meldrath has come
raining terror from above
unleashing clockworks

The clockwork bellies roar
While we sneak in the dark lair
Will you be their lunch?

Meldrath lifts his fist
He shall no longer remain
Always a football

Gnomes like to tinker?
Meldrath offers you a choice.
Mine rule you. Or die.

Ak' Anon fears him.
Meldrath's Mechanotus comes
Steamwork doom is near.

Steamwork revenge comes
Meldrath hovers in the sky
Ak' Anon will weep

Meldrath's army waits
Ak'Anon is in trouble
Take to arms and fight

The price of power
Blood for oil and flesh for steel
These are my few friends.

The white sun rises
Product of maternal greed
The black sun buried.

To whom do we thank?
A land tipped into darkness
Jester's Trickery.

To Meldrath the gnome,
sudden pain at nuggets came,
for silver be gone.

Ping, Pong, Ding, Kong, Loom,
power hides, awaiting Doom.
Secrets, Glory, for untold story.

Honorable Mentions:

While these didn't relate to clockworks and Meldrath, we still wanted to share them with you!

Prismatic Dragon
Kerafyrm plots his revenge
Shall Norrath endure?
A handsome man enters!
Ranolin holding his sword
come to slay the gnome
OH! the mean GREEN Troll
Always Yellin' and Shoutin'
Man, he is awesome

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