Chaos in the Steamfont Mountains

The sounds of gnomish cheers and clockwork gears echoed throughout the continent of Faydwer as the Steamfont Mountains transformed its appearance - but was there an unknown cost to this new paradise?

Hordes of brownies and renegade steamworks have recently been spotted roaming throughout the area. In a state of panic and in fear of their lives, the brownies are clinging to adventurers as they recount the story of how they escaped the imprisonment within the mines and factories of Meldrath.

The escaped brownies spread the news about the steamworks machines and minotaur slave drivers. They also warn about Meldrath's plan of destruction and announce, "The steamworks are coming!"

Geo Friinok, a renowned investigator and member of the Gem Choppers, the guards of AK'Anon, has recently received reports regarding the chaos. It has been almost two years since Geo investigated and stopped the evil plans of the legendary villains known as the Steam Vectors of Ak'Anon but the time has come when Geo believes his investigation skills are required by Ak'Anon once again. The villains he encountered in the past are not responsible for the most recent activities but with Meldrath involved, he fears the danger to Ak'Anon will be far worse than the city has ever encountered.

Due to the grand nature of the chaos, Geo realized that he can't possibly conduct the investigation on his own. He needs the assistance of freelance investigators.

Geo received several excellent reports of the incidents but found the reports from the following investigators to be the most intriguing and indepth:

First Place:

  • Nirmalti

Second Place:

  • jkcarp2

  • Amphar

The winners will be contacted early next week.

Geo also wanted to thank the following investigators for helping him with his investigation:

Honorable Mentions:

  • Gnomereaper

  • Murril

  • Ezgeze

  • Noxoculus

  • Jyve

  • bstew1

You can View All Reports that were sent to Geo Friinok over on the EverQuest official forums.

Here's the entire report received by the First Place Winner, Community Member Nirmalti



Intrepid investigator Nirmalti here, responding to the call.

Hearing of the strange happenings in the Steamfont Mountains, I mounted my trusty steed and heading for the hills, or err, mountains.

It was not long before I was accosted by a strange little creature, screaming it's lungs out about some steam contraption.

I asked him to slow down and explain everything carefully and precisely. Drawing out my notepad and quill, I recorded his tale.

It didn't follow any sort of logical structure, but it seems this poor fellow ran away from some evil doer by the name of Meldrath.

At last, I pressed him to take me back the way he came, and with great reluctance we entered the Minotaur caves.

Coming around a corner, we arrived at a door. Odd, but I do not recall a door before. Try as I might, I could not pry, bludgeon, bash, hammer slash it down.

Intrigued, I let my little friend lead us out.

Once again outside the caves, I recall he said something about steamworks coming....and looking around, my goodness, but those clockworks appeared to be emitting steam!

I started searching for any clues as to these robots origin.

While smashing clockworks apart, a great commotion came from the tunnels. Dozens and dozens of minotaurs poured out, fleeing from something it was clear.

I tried to stop one and talk, but they were unresponsive. Finding this approach not working, I slashed the poor beasts down and rifled in their pockets.

And what should I find to my surprise but A Clockwork Insignia!

Intrigued now, I took it to a friendly wizard to attempt to deceiver its meaning. According to him, it is made of an unusual alloy....but aside from that, nothing could be discerned.

Where to next? I have an Insignia of an unusual alloy. Perhaps a smith can tell me more.



I send this message straight from the front.

It was not long after my last message when an ominous rumbling occurred in the north eastern mountains.

I was the middle of the night, and as I stumbled around in the dark, a ferocious beast leapt out at me!

I quickly gathered my allies to assess the threat. We crested the hill only to hundreds and hundreds of Minotaurs pouring out of the caves!

I rushed quickly back to Ak'Anon, and sounded the alarm. The gnomes were quick to rally at the front gate and prepared for the onslaught.

We could hear the minotaur captain in the distance shouting at his brutish soldiers. "Move your lazy hoofs you cows!" Grimly, we drew our weapons and waited.

The minotaurs proved to be no match for our stalwart defense.

I searched the corpses for any sort of communications, clues, anything to aid the investigation.

Upon each of the soldiers I found the same Clockwork Insignia that was found upon the panicked workers earlier!

This was no random Minotaur raid. This was the vanguard of an invasion force!

I hurried back to the caves to learn more about this attack. Finding no more minotaurs, I destroyed more of the strange steamworks that have crawled down from the mountains. Of my brownie friends, I see no sign, but I fear the worst.

This is Special Investigator Nirmalti signing out. My next communication will arrive when more information about the intent and origin of this invasion is discerned.


The battle lines are drawn!

Responding quickly to the Minotaur threat, the Gem Cutters of Ak`Anon have quickly set up a perimeter blocking off the Minotaur valley.

Lead by Commander Gearswitch, the gnomes have created a solid line of steel to protect the honest citizens of Ak`Anon from any invading threat.

I talked quickly with the Commander about the situation. As of this moment the Minotaur's have been contained to the Northeastern valley of the Steamfont Mountains. A round the clock watch has been set by the Gem Cutters from their battle camps set up at the valley entrance.

He requires assistance in both culling the Minotaur attackers, as well as destroying the pesky steamworks that continually crawl down from the mountains. In return, he offers potent concoctions from the Ak`Anon Chemical Company.

I added him in these tasks, but it appears my small contributions have barely dented the assault. More troops are required as the minotaurs grow in number by the hour! Fortunately for now, they appear to be green, untested troops that are easily defeated no matter their number.

How long this will remain, I cannot say. Commander Gearswitch was noncommittal in his strategy for the overall defense. He only asks that brave adventures add the army in slaying the intruders, and if anything of note is found, to bring it to him immediately.

I attempted to return the Clockwork Insignia's found upon most of the soldiers, but he could not be bothered.

Perhaps the attackers will let slip a clue to their invasion plans that can be found soon and returned to the Commander.

This is Special Investigator Nirmalti signing out and returning to the front!

11/07/07 Continued

As I returned to the front, my trusty cartographer handed me his map of the situation as of now. I have sent this post haste, as I cannot take the time to deliver it in person.

The Gnomish Defenses are in Blue, with the 2 camps and the location of the commander outlined.

The Minotaur Invasion route has been labeled in red.

11/07/07 Continued

Attention! We are under attack!

Just 2 hours ago, a great mechanical fortress rose from the mountains and is now hovering about Steamfont.

It is raining death down upon the defenders, who are valiantly trying to stave off a new wave of far more experiences and determined opponents.

Some attackers included grizzled minotaur veterans and the elite minotaur soldiers. New and strange invading clockworks, war prototypes and expertly polished robots have been seen climbing down the hills.

The defenders and soldiers of the GemCutters are trying their best to stove off the invasion. They brought up some catapults, but before they could be brought to bear on the flying fortress, they were destroyed by a rain of fire from above.

Commander Gearswitch ordered me to fix the catapults with new timber and ammunition.

I immediately headed to Kelethin, where I knew I could find the best timber. Upon talking to the local Carpenter, I learned that the Crushbone Orcs had stolen all the fresh wood! Sensing a bit of conspiracy here, I quickly headed to Crushbone to find the timber. It was not very well hidden, and a few choice words with Lord Darish revealed the stolen goods soon enough.

I returned the lumber to the Carpenter and he gave me a newly crafted repair kit for the catapult. Quickly checking the item off my list, I hurried to Butcherblock to find the ammunition.

After a bit of effort, I managed to track down the elusive Alchemist. But apparently his formula worked a little TOO well, as his current batch had all exploded! He urged me to head to Unrest to find more Grave Powder for his secret concoction.

The undead residents weren't too willy to part with their fine, fine powder, so a little force was required to part it from them.

Dust in hand, I returned to Butcherblock, where I handed it to the alchemist. Shortly after, he returned with a freshly made set of ammo.

Having gathered the components, I rushed back to Steamfont, for surely the war had not taken a break on my account!

Sure enough, the defenders were hard pressed. The commander urged me to take the supplies to one of the engineers and order them to fix the catapult.

I hurried over to the nearest catapult and gave the lumber to the engineer.

He eagerly picked up his hammer and started banging away. Unfortunately for me, the minotaurs also took note of his repairs and attacked!

A fierce fight raged, with no side gaining the upper hand, until a regiment of gnomes joined the fray and the attackers were beaten back.

The catapult temporarily repaired, the engineer loaded the ammo and fired! With a mighty whump the missile sailed throw the air and crashed against the side of the flying fortress.

No damage could be seen, and the hasty repairs sprang apart with the motion.

More missiles must be launched! The only way to take the fortress down is to keep firing!

We have repaired a second catapult as I write this, and now I must go....the minotaurs have taken note again. We will keep firing until the fortress is destroyed!

Special Investigator Nirmalti, from the front

11/07/07 Continued


This is Special Investigator with the reports of strange happenings in the Steamfont Mountains.

We had just bombarded the fortress with several salvos of ammo. Fire and smoke covered the sky as much to make it seem as dark as night in some sort of demonic hell.

The battle raged with the casualties on both side mounting up, yet we were winning, this I know to be true.

And then a great rumble, a voice blared through the smoke and over the din of steel on armored steel.

Was a klaxon from some nefarious weapon of Meldrath's that was going to obliterate us all?!?!?!

...... A great white light.....

Suddenly there is a gap of nothing. I have no recollection of the next few hours, or days or weeks. There is no way of knowing what time transpired.

I looked around, beside me was Commander Gearswitch. But there was no fortress in the sky, no minotaur hordes pressing us back across the valley. I looked to the paper I was holding.

The Commander had just ordered me to slay a few minotaurs and rusty steamworks. But I did that 2 days ago! Could this be true?

Immensely troubled, I went to the one man in the known multiplanes who could help: The Grand Librarian

"Could Meldrath have created a time machine" I asked him.

His eyes grew bright with excitement and he started hopping up and down. "The Quintessence! You have it!"

I looked at the Quintessence of Elements that I have stuffed in a back pocket many years ago.

"Quickly! To the plane of innovation! Find someone who knows and we shall solve this mystery."

With his words in my mind, I hurried to the Plane of Innovation, and after that I have smashed far too many clockworks for one day.

After many hours of calling the name of Meldrath, Maelin, Bob, anyone at all I arrived at a strange clockwork that seemed more sentient then the rest.

I hailed him, and in response he replied "Do you wish to enter the time chamber?"

Time chamber! By Marr, my suspicions are correct! The technology does exist! And if Meldrath the Mad stole Meldrath the Benevolent's ideas for steamworks....then he could certainly steal his design for a time machine!

I accepted his offer and in a blinding flash of light I was suddenly somewhere else.

The Time Machine! I looked around for any clues to the whereabouts of Meldrath the Good. Nothing at all. Oh Meldrath, your brother Meldrath has turned your greatest weapon against us all, what are we to do? We need you in our moment of dire peril!

11/10/07 Continued

The Attack Begins. (Rebegins)

We have ascertained the threat. As stated earlier, Meldrath has a fortress of unknown potential.

He has a time shifting device, and many hordes of ground troops.

Since my last report, I have not been idle.

Under the command of Commander Gearswitch, I have beseeched the dwarves of Kaladim for add in the coming conflict. Meldrath's secret ZONEWIDE MESSAGE weapon is far too powerful for the gnomes alone.

I explained the situation and he took a moment to consider.

"This strange new weapon sounds like something only a mad gnome could come up with" he muttered. "Very well, the dwarven army shall march. Tell the Commander that we shall be holding our guard north of the Steamfont mountains."

With the support of the dwarves secured, I pondered my next step. Clearly, we needed some method of disabling Meldrath's secret weapon, but how?

I slapped my head in frustration. It was so simple! Build bigger catapults!

This concept firmly entrenched in my brain, I hesitated had come to my attention that I knew absolutely nothing about siegecraft. I resolved to find help in the matter, it was time to head to the Library.

I encountered my old friend Blaimas and asked him about siegecraft.

"Well," he replied, "I do recall that in the great invasion of Kuua, the Muramites employed a massive arsenal to overwhelm the Dragorn defenses. Perhaps you should start in Dranik, that was the greatest stronghold of the Dragorns."

I thanked him for his advice and headed off via the mystical gateways to the strange land of the Dragorns.

After wandering for a short time, evading strange beasts of various shapes and sizes, I spied an odd fellow capering behind a tree.

"Greetings Sir, I have come to learn of the fall of Dranik" I hailed him.

"Sir? SIr? Do I stir, when do I stir? In the night, by the fire, in the day when we purr?" His answer left a lot to be desired. I tried a different tact.

"The attack... the walls... How were they taken down?" I figured this one was a bit more direct.

"The wall? The fall? The fall of the wall? The wall of the fall? It's all the same, the same, the same. Karsor I am, but now I'm insane!" Well that explained it. This fellow was going to be of no help to me in my search for the art of siegecraft.

I continued my search, smiting any foolish Muramites that dared come close. I found another character, just like the first...except without the gibbering.

"Hallooo sir! Can you tell me about the fall of Dranik?" I asked him.

He slowly turned towards me. "The fall of Dranik....a weighted question as it were. The destruction of everything I held dear, of everyone I loved and all who I am? Is that what you want to know?"

"Uhh, yeah! I need to learn about siegecraft!"

He sighed poignantly. "Since I have very little left to live for aside from directing people in the direction of the Hollows, lest they be forgotten by time, very well. The Muramites used lightning warriors as their sappers. The one they call the Master of Tactics creates and devises all of their strategy, perhaps you should see them. He certainly saw to us."

Ah ha! I feel like I am getting somewhere! I thanked him and rushed off to the Muramite stronghold.

Many slain kyv, noc and ra`tuk later I arrived at a very strange warrior.

"I wish to learn of siegecraft tactics!" I shouted at him.

"Muramite Siegecraft 101. Take this Manual." He said and handed me a book. Hey that was easy. I eagerly started flipping through it....great...rotator shafts, transverse biaxial struct supports....I wasn't quite sure if I had the language right. But nevertheless, I took the book and headed back to the battlefield.

The battle had started....again. The fortress blocked out the sky and was raining death on the defenders. I rushed over to one of the engineers standing woefully at a destroyed catapult.

"It was so beautiful..." the poor guy looked like he was about to cry.

"Here," I said..."can you use this book to make better catapults? We need to be able to take out Meldrath's secret weapon!"

He flipped through the book. "Coaxial shear divergence...parallel inertial holders....Of course! Of course! How did I not think of that??? Quickly man! Don't just stand there! We need wood and carpenters on the double!"

With that brusque dismissal, I had to think about my next option. Where was I to find carpenters and good wood? Still, it had been a long I settled in for a quick nap.

"My son... you cannot rest now... the world is in danger... remember... the boat... the boat!"

I awoke with a start. That was on vivid dream! But everything seemed so clear now... I knew exactly where to find carpenters! With no time to lose, I mounted my steed and galloped to the West.

"Sir! Sir! We need your aid, NOW!" I yelled as I ran into the camp.

"Eh? Can't you see we have a ship to build!" replied Hemae, the lead carpenter.

"Yeah, but you have been building the ship for going on 4 years now guys...isn't it time for a change of scenery? I need catapult wood finished, and I need it now, there are lives at stake!"

He looked me up and down and shrugged. "Honestly, I never liked the sea anyways. What you got in mind?" I showed him the designs that the engineer had made for me and he clapped his hands.

"that can be done! Now shoo with you! Your new and improved catapults will be arriving at anytime!"

Grateful to get the task finished, I eagerly headed back to the battlegrounds.

...Just in time to catch a minotaur trying to sneak around the gnomish defenses!

This ends my report update. So far, Meldrath has not used his secret Time Shifting weapon of ZONEWIDE, but neither have the new catapults arrived.

We remain fighting the clockworks and minotaurs to a grinding halt, firing and reloading our conventional catapults at every opportunity, but the decision of this contest remains unclear.

Until the situation changes, this is Special Investigator Nirmalti, from the front.


The Battle Rages On.

My last report perhaps fueled by too much Minotaur Hero Brew, I've complied a report of our situation as of now.

The invasion continues in full force, no matter how many shot we fire, the great fortress in the sky continues to move inexorably closer.

The gnomish battle line remains intact, but it is clear that blockading the valley is no long effective.

We heard reports of a Minotaur force slaughtering gnomish citizens far behind the blockade. I hurried quickly to the scene, to see poor innocent gnomes surrounded by marauders.

I urged them to head to Ak`Anon...the Steamfont Mountains were no longer safe for any honest gnome. Escorting them to the city, my point was soberly highlighted as we came across a slain patrol of GemCutters, their armor dented and gashed from many wounds.

Angrily I destroyed the lone steamwork that remained at the scene of the crime. Yet their numbers seem limitless, and ours, so few.

After visiting the city, I rode quickly to the main conflict. It seems the Commander's strategy is to keep the main force of elite Minotaurs blocked from Ak`Anon, and let patrols deal with the weaker threats. I had not gotten to the camp when a great explosion rocked the valley.

To my right, I saw the remains of yet another catapult, destroyed by the return fire from the fortress.

Smoke billowed from the charred and ruined wood. The engineers coughed and followed me to the relative safety of the command tent.

And relative is indeed the term, for we had not rested for more then a minute before another wave of clockworks assailed our position.

Fighting off the assault, with no time to rest my battle weary limbs or heal my cuts and wounds, I gathered supplies and returned to the catapult position with the engineer.

He seems to have at a lot of practice repairing catapults, for it was up and operational in no time. I wonder how many more times this can continue for the valuable engineers perish along with their catapult.

As of this message all 3 catapults are operational, flinging their armaments at the fortress in the sky. The Commander has arrayed them closely to the primary defense line.

But now no where is safe. It seems only a matter of time before the whole of the Steamfont Mountains are overrun.

This is Special Investigator Nirmalti turned War Correspondent, from the front.


The Casualties Mount.

The battle continues on, with no sign of stopping. During the night, a great wave of Minotaurs rushed the eastern side of the blockade.

Many gnomes were slain in the ensuing confusion, crumbling the defensive line.

Commander Gearshift barely escaped with his life, thanks to the prompt mustering of the nearest regiment to his aid.

During the chaos, many minotaurs poured through the gaps in the defenses, regrouping deep in the Steamfont Mountains and preparing to wreck havoc upon the innocent gnome civilians. The Commander urged us to quickly secure the city and work northward from there before an organized assault could be launched.

We arrived just in time, as the Ak'Anon regiment was no where to be seen!

Troubled by the missing regiment, we send scouts to the north to investigate their disappearance. They did not bring back promising news.

They had been slaughtered to the man, taking many ferocious minotaurs and cold steamworks with them. I said a silent prayer for the brave warriors as we silently moved past the carnage.

I told the regiment to guard Ak`Anon wile I returned to the Commander with the bad news. He was not going to be pleased, and I knew could ill afford to spare more troops to replace the regiment.

On way the back, the road seemed quiet. Far too quiet for the middle of a war zone. I whirled around just in time to catch parry a vicious axe slash from a Minotaur. The ground around me was filled with pounding hooves as a gang surrounded me.

The fight was short and vicious, but I managed to escape and flee to the relative safety of the command tent.

The moans of pain of injured gnomes greeted me as I approached. I hurriedly offered my healing skills to a gnome gasping for breath in the grass.

I was too late, and the heroic soldier died in my arms. With a heavy sigh, I gave my news to the commander. "There is no time for that I'm afraid" he replied. "The catapults are under attack. Join this squadron, they are going to relieve the defense as we speak."

I nodded my assent and joined the troops marching to the catapult hill.

We arrived none to soon, for the engineer was the lone gnome alive, valiantly fending off attackers with a firing wand.

We turned the tide quickly and secured the armaments. I had brought with me more ammunition for the catapults and we wasted no time fixing the catapult and aiming it at the fortress.

With a mighty thump, the volatile canisters hurled towards the metal behemoth in the sky. A sudden explosion shook the island. The great steam contraption tilted crazily and started to veer off to the east, leaving a trail of thick black smoke.

A great cheer arose from the gnome defenders, we had damaged the beast! Seizing upon the moment, Commander Gearshift declared a forward advance, the minotaurs were reeling in disarray!

Many minotaurs perished to our blades, and we captured the cave front from the invaders!

However our victory was short lived. For no sooner had we cleared the entrance then another wave of attackers surged forth.

We have damaged the fortress, but the battle is long from finished I fear.

This is War Correspondent Nirmalti, from the front.


The War Is Over.

After the damaging of the fortress during the fight yesterday, the minotaurs have been in disarray. It appears there was a breaking of the chain of command last night, and all of the assaulting forces have vanished.

They must have retreated whence they came under the cover of darkness.

I woke up this morning only to find the gnome army under Commander Gearswitch had also returned home, cleaning up their camp and catapults as well. They earned the rest.

With the minotaurs and clockworks gone, I entered the cave to see if they might have left anything behind.

And by Marr! The locked door from last week had been left slightly ajar. I peered inside cautiously and what should greet my wondering eyes.

A massive space left from the launch of the fortress! It appeared to have opened pathways to both the north and south....who knows what adventures and dangers lie down each path?

This is War Correspondent Nirmalti handing in my final report. Adventure awaits!