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Server: Bristlebane
Guild: Legacy of Apocalypse

Where in the real life world do you live?
London, England

How long have you played EQ?
Almost 6 years now on and off.

What other MMOs have you played?
I don't bother with other MMOs.

What type of work do you do?
I'm a full time mother.

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
Anything between one and 6 hours

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
Chatting to friends and guildies, a little hunting, making sure the guild bank is in order, the usual.

What was the race and class of your very first character?
An Iksar Shaman named Speky

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I've been gaming since I was 5 or 6, starting with the family pc and mega drive and moving up to rpgs like Dungeon Siege and Baulder's Gate. EQ's my favourite game by far. I often get asked if I ever sleep lol.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest?
I play bass guitar and I take a lot of photographs.

What is your highest level in EQ?
My monk at level 69

What race and class is your main character?
Iksar monk

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
Feign Death without a doubt. It's saved my tail more times than I care to remember. Also monks are able to solo effectively or contribute to a group or raid with dps and by pulling. Plus the folks who play monks are great fun, I've never met a monk I didn't get on with.

Does your main character worship a deity?
Cazic-Thule by default.

How did you choose your main character's name?
My nickname in real life is Speck and Speckk is just the first version of it I tried that the server would accept.

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
I've never played a wizard, a warrior or a rogue. But I want to.

What is your favorite expansion?
I spend a lot of time in Omens but Kunark will always be my favourite.

What is your favorite zone?
Crystal caverns without a doubt. It's just so peaceful ... once all the orc are dead.

What is your favorite NPC?
I'll always have a fondness for Grand Master Glox

Which expansion do you like the least?
I'm not a fan of Depths of Darkhollow

Which zone do you like the least?
Plane of Hate. I've spent so much time there helping guildie enchanters with their epics the mere thought of going down there again makes me cringe. But for a guildie or a friend, I'll do it.

Which NPC do you like the least?
The erudite in the windmill in the Lake of Ill Omen. He killed me for no reason once when my first character was in the 20s.

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
Probably the 100k fabled earring I bought for my main a couple of months ago as a present for myself.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
Yep, my blue flame necklace. I was so happy when I won it, it was the first bit of really decent gear I won and I'll always keep it.

What do you like best about EverQuest?
Hunting with friends all over the world and the laughs we've had along the way. Only a couple of people reading this will get this ... 2 words ... Drakkin potions ;)

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
Relaxation most of the time. Sometimes it gets a little stressful but then you run that raid just right or get that ability you've been looking forward to since the tutorial and it's all worth it.

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
When I was made co-leader of my guild, Legacy of Apocalypse. I've rarely been more pleased and surprised than I was that night. Then a couple of hours later I led a guild raid for the first time and we were successful. I was so proud of what we accomplished that night. =) Before that night it was the day I was made an officer in my very first guild, The First Order of Blood Knights.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site?
I'm a super-admin on Legacy of Apocalypse's website didokova.guildportal.com.