Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

What classes do you need on a raid – Discussion started by Community Member greyhunter
About a year ago, there was an interesting thread regarding the relative importance of different classes on raids. Given all the changes and the new SOF expansion, I wanted to see if there were any changes. So what in your opinions are the most and least important classes for raids? Why?

MMORPG doesnt mean you have to interact – Discussion started by Community Member Croapil
I play 6 toons at once. 4 Mages, Cleric and Bard. I never have to go LFG or recruit people. I never have to ask anyone how much longer they have left to play. I never have to talk to anyone if I choose not to. I never have a group member say their husband or wife just called and they have to log. I never have to tell anyone if I need to go AFK..... FOR ME it is the perfect scenario. I like being alone and left alone. I am unguilded, I do my own thing and I do it well....and quite frankly, I have a blast.

Time requirements for attaining SoF group gear – Discussion started by Community Member k9wazere
Essentially, it's the named spawn rate that is killing the SoF group game for me. I estimate, that even with 4 - 6 hours a day invested, it would take me 3 months to get all visible T2 drops. Probably 6 months more for T3 cores. I wouldn't be in Crystallos until well after the next expansion. This is not through any lack of effort, or time played. It's just the named in SoF are too rare, in this bst's opinion.

What does your class bring to a group? – Discussion started by Community Member Zanderon
Please feel free to offer parses, spell data, and other info you can find, but no arguments. Let's base everything off of level 80 with rk1 spells/abilities, although it can vary at lower levels for some classes. So I'll start off with the Enchanter class. We can fill a few different roles in a group, and people play chanters in many different ways. You won't always find 2 chanters played the same.

Leveling Up – Discussion started by Community Member Karts
Hi, how long does it take to really level up to max in this game?