Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

Commonlands Orcs – Discussion started by Community Member Oymentrubel
If any of you are thinking, for the sake of nostalgia, to take a lowbie to the orc camps in Commons you may want to reconsider or break out the summoning stones. They are now about level 60 and except for the pawns, not only see invis but some also see SoS. They are roaming throughout the zone so be careful.

Changing Deity – Discussion started by Community Member Zaycite
If you could change your deity would you? If so who would you worship (or not worship) knowing what you know now about EQ lore. Would you change to a deity that has better armor or tradeskill paths for you?

Also have you stopped believing in the existence of gods in EQ because you have killed them many times over, and therefore they are not gods? So would you now be agnostic?

Questing within EverQuest – Discussion started by Community Member Gnomereaper
A) Weapon quests for the different tiers that are better than the drops, Tier 3/4 definitely as a long term goal for groupers and would be, newbie, or low-middle lower raiders.
B) Tier 4 lacks any development outside of 4 tasks and armor quests. It sucks the replayibility this tier has as compared to the lower tiers.
C) Task space - simplest solution, adds more task space.
D) Bank space - not physically having to have an item goes a long way here. As well as adding as a next expansion feature would go the rest of the way.
E) Gotta Catch 'Em all tasks are annoying - can you please stop having the 50,000 little jigsaw puzzle pieces eat up like 3 bags in the bank? This started with Jonas, you could do the multi-task system for these, but cut down on the amount of parts to combine. 5-8 is enough, or multi arrangement itemization like jigsaw puzzle that's adaptable.

EverQuest Trivia #324 – Game started by Community Member Sabredancer, the winner of EverQuest Trivia #323.