On March 16, 2008, EverQuest will celebrate its 9th Anniversary.

Here are some ways you can celebrate.

Take part in the Anniversary Festivities!

In Game

The Fabled: The gods and servants of the Planes of Power have been deemed Fabled and have had their power increased and treasures updated. In addition, all of the past Fabled will be making a return appearance this Fabled season. (March 16, 2008 through April 16, 2008)

Scavenger Hunt: A new anniversary scavenger hunt is also available for adventurers. Speak with Garin Tvalish in Plane of Tranquility if you are interested in participating in a world search. (March 16, 2008 through April 16, 2008)

Hot Zones: Visit the latest hot zones. Hot zones offer an increase in normal adventure experience for the zone and have the additional bonus of some new content. The new hot zones are:

    Level 20 North/South Ro
    Level 25 Solusek's Eye
    Level 30 Blightfire Moors
    Level 35 Stone Hive
    Level 40 Dulak's Harbor
    Level 45 Skyshrine
    Level 50 Akheva Ruins
    Level 55 Crypt of Nadox
    Level 60 Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
    Level 65 Torden, Bastion of Thunder
    Level 70 Ruins of Illsalin

Bonus Experience Weekend: To help celebrate the 9th Anniversary, starting 12:00 noon PDT, Friday, March 14, 2008 until 12:00 noon PDT, Monday, March 17, 2008, adventurers will be surrounded by a magical bonus experience increase of fifty percent. Enjoy! (Expired)

Out of Game

"You're in Our World Now" Video Contest: Participate in the "You're in Our World Now" video contest. Using in game imagery, sounds and their special skills, EverQuest community movie-makers have this opportunity to show us why they enjoying playing EverQuest by participating in this official EverQuest contest. Create a video that highlights the best of EverQuest! (From Monday, March 3, 2008, (12:01 am, US Pacific Time) through Wednesday, April 3, 2008 at (11:59 pm, US Pacific Time).

Visit the Official "You're in Our World Now" Contest Page for details.

Norrathian Guild Recruitment Festival Continues: The Guild Recruitment Festival continues as more guilds are added to the list over on EQPlayers. The festival is expected to continue until through April 6th. Visit the Guild Recruitment List for more information!





  • Visit The Dungeon and The Harpy's Head Tavern sections of the EverQuest Forums to write stories, share your screenshots of your parties, raids, and adventures.

Additional activities will be made available throughout the Anniversary period.

Help your friends play!!

Help your friends try out new characters. Help them get up to speed with their old characters! Help them Party!

  • Invite old friends to return to EverQuest for the weekend. Spread the news about the Fabled, the scavenger hunt, the hot zones and bonus experience!

  • Invite new friends to try EverQuest:
    • Escape to Norrath

Visit your home city!

Throughout the year, you can get so busy that you forget about the city where you were born. Take time out this weekend to visit your home city.

Anniversary Hail!

Greet everyone you meet in game with a Happy 9th Anniversary greeting.


Make use of the taverns and inns across the world by throwing a big party for your friends and be sure to invite others. Perhaps even in The Arena where you can have a little bit extra fun with the party!

For more tips on running your own event, read the Tip of the Week on Player-Run Events.

To offer additional tips on celebrating the anniversary, join the 9th Anniversary Celebration discussion thread over on the official EverQuest Forums.