In this Special Edition of Meet the Community, we're highlighting Katjyia from Luclin server. Katjyia is better known as Cherry, one of EQ's Fan Art Gallery artists.

Katjyia Ne`Chereshkova

Server: Luclin
Guild: United Legions of Souls
Other Artwork -

Where in the real life world do you live?
Corinth, TX

How long have you played EQ?
Almost 2 years now

What other MMOs have you played?
EQ2 and WoW

What type of work do you do?
Amateur Fantasy Artist

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
Um... when no one but me is home, I will play all day. When hubby and kids are home... 2-6 hours if I can.

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
LOL… log in... hunt buffs if I didn't log with full buffs... LFG

What was the race and class of your very first character?
Human Magician… she is currently my main.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
My dad I guess... he has always been a huge kid at heart and when video games became popular during the 80's we used to go every Friday and Saturday night to the arcade, then when personal computers hit the scene for homes... we were one of the first to have one, and of course my dad always had games. My favorite game genre is fantasy/rpg type mmo's.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest?
I love to read, mostly fantasy, I draw and paint, also do 3d art and digital art, Renaissance and Fantasy Faires, and horseback riding.

What is your highest level in EQ?
My level 80 mage Katjyia

What race and class is your main character?
Human Magician

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
I just think that mages are a lot of fun to play in general... I have 2 right now.

Does your main character worship a deity?
No, she's Agnostic

How did you choose your main character's name?
I have this thing about Russian folklore... and wanted something that sounded Russian... therefore the Katjyia... then when I chose her surname, I looked up the meanings of some Russian surnames and chose the name Ne`Chereshkova because it's a derivative of Chereshko, which means cherry, sweet... and since my real name is Cherry... I thought it fit well

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
Hmmm... I think I have had one of each at one time or another... but the only ones that held my attention for long, were Mage, Necro, Wizzy, Beasty and Shammy

What is your favorite expansion?
Secrets of Faydwer... there is so much nice group attainable gear... woowoo

What is your favorite zone?
Hmmm, in terms of how it looks, I would have to say Nedarias's so pretty... in terms of to play in... either Valdeholm or Loping Plains

What is your favorite NPC?
Eh, don't really have a favorite NPC.

Which expansion do you like the least?
Don't have one that I really dislike.

Which zone do you like the least?
Karnors... I hate that place I always get lost in there... shudders.

Which NPC do you like the least?
Again, don't have one I really dislike

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?

What do you like best about EverQuest?
That there are so many interesting people to group with... and that the content changes

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
It's my "me" time... de-stressor.

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
Just one doesn't really jump out at me. I just love all my friends there, had some really good times... funny mistells, Leroy moments... good times... good times.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site?
No, I do a lot of EverQuest related 3d art though...

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