Did you know that you can subscribe to receive updates of SOE Knowledge Base entries about Game Updates, Server Downtime and Known Issues? Well you can!

You can subscribe to receive emails for updates of any Knowledge Base entry simply by clicking on the button:

Once you "opt in", you will get an email whenever the articles are updated. Be sure to keep your email address up to date. You can update your email address by clicking under the My Account option which is listed on the top of each SOE website, forums, or under the Station Launcher.

Note: Currently there is a 60-day expiration to subscribing to any article in the Knowledge Base due to it missing a feature to remove yourself from being notified if desired. We will be adding an "opt out" feature hopefully soon, in the meanwhile you will have to re-subscribe to an article after 2 months.

Frequently Updated EQ Knowledge Base Entries

Almost every title at SOE has mutiple articles in the Knowledge Base that are update regularly to keep players informed of updates, patch notes or maybe even notable issues concerning their respective games. For EverQuest the follow three articles frequently updated:

You can always see these articles in game as well as search the Knowledge Base by opening a petition window and searching by a keyword (such as 'Downtime') or the article number. All three articles are updated on a regular basis and can be easily accessed both in and out of game. Taking the extra step to subscribe to the article insures you'll be the first to know when the information changes.