Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia #347 – Game started by Community Member k9wazere, winner of EverQuest Trivia #346.

Groupable Weapon Ratios – Discussion started by Community Member Ronak-Xegony
It's time to do something about groupable weaponry. Group attainable weapon ratios are laughable. It makes no sense at all to give endgame groupers Two Gods/SoF tier 2 raid level loot in all slots, and then give them sub-anguish weapon ratios. This not only makes no sense from a balance standpoint, it also results in an enormous gap between group geared melee DPS and group geared caster DPS.

I'm not saying group attainable weapons should be Solteris level, but they SHOULD be somewhere between Demiplane and TSS ratios.

Time for a new /con System – Discussion started by Community Member GalianaElessedil
When you /con the trash mob between named targets in Tacvi and its light blue but flurries for 5k, isn't it time /con be reevaluated?

What would be a better, more accurate solution? I would think a combination of the mobs HP, AC and DPS or damage output relative to you should be a part of it, rather than purely on level. Not sure that can be calculated on the fly, but it would be more accurate per player. So mobs will con different to silk wearers than plate wearers.


Favorite Raid Design – Discussion started by Community Member Megdarin
In response to Rytan's question about BMK3, was there anything in particular that made it fun for us, I think a entire thread is in order.

So, post your favorite raids, and why, more recent content preferred, but if you're not raiding TSS+, anything is fine.

Mine are:
  1. Irrissa the Seer, aka The Captured Portal, because it is a challenge to be main assist, and although you need decent dps, other things are important as well.
  2. Astire the Lunar Eclipse, aka Portal to Dreadspire, again because it is a challenge to be MA on, there's a lot going on and a job for everyone.
  3. BMK3, again, because it is a challenge to be MA, I like the kind of wave format of it - one thing, then another, then another, but never too much to handle at once.
  4. Overwhelming Numbers, aug event in FC#1, although it's old, it's still fun because it's fast paced.
  5. Hearol the Tactician, FC#1, I like the mobs at the start, I like disarming the traps, breaking the walls every so often to get back to him is kinda neat.
  6. Bimbalicus, yet again, because there is some challenge to being MA, there's a lot going on, and eventually it's more or less a burnfest. The absolute only thing I don't like about it is that they're undead!

I like complicated but not annoying events. The jury is still out on Mansion events, I'm sure I'll end up with at least one on this list, and I can't yet comment on Crystallos.

Camps and You – Discussion started by Community Member name_00
When you're done with a camp and trying to leave/log, do you stay to make sure it pops with all placeholders (PHers) before leaving?

And if names start popping at that point, as they usually do by Murphy's Law, do you stay there until ungodly hours (like 5AM) killing the names until they stop popping? I do.