Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia #348Game started by Community Member Mortiuus, winner of EverQuest Trivia #347.

Design a zoneDiscussion started by Community Member thumbs07

Design a zone, well not design, just envisage one.

If you could make a zone in the game what would it be like? What would you add to it?

Would you make it a city zone, a dungeon, a raid zone? What kind of mobs would you fill it with? Would you add quests? What kind of environment would you have it be - a sandy one? A dark dreary setting, an open plain...?

What are your ideas?

Big huge N O O B to EQ - Discussion started by Community Member LeetNinja10

Hi, I am a Big EQ noob, I got the game with Station Pass a while ago, but never really played it (more into EQ2 and Vanguard then.) Now I have reactivated my Station Pass and plan on playing this game. I would just like to know what is a good noob friendly class (I like to solo, but I do group when I can.) Also what are some good tips for a new player? Lastly I have alot of xp potions and all other items that came with the Living Legends event, at what time should I use these items?

Idea for not this expansion - but year's after - Discussion started by Community Member dwisst

This idea came about from the fun we have been having in the revamped LGUK.  It has been so much fun, like old days.  Trains, soacializing, people grouping, CC, etc.  I know this next expansion is already bout done and I'm looking forward to it with enthusiasm. With all the changes lately, I believe the dev's are back on track. What I am suggesting is for the next year's expansion.  Instead of something entire new - why not revamp X number of the older zones.  My whole guild said they would pay for something like that.  Some of the zones that came to mind instantly were:

Howling Stones
and LOIO - remember when that was the place to be - always 100+ peops there

I'm not a programmer and don't know that something like this would be doable and still keep the high end guilds busy. Anyway - wanted to throw the thought out there.  Very well done dev's, keep the good work coming.