Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia #363 - Game started by Community Member MEDICIANMAN, winner of EverQuest Trivia #362. (Continued)

Offline Auction - Discussion started by Community Member k9wazere
Just wondered, have the devs ever commented on the feasibility of adding an auction house to EQ?

These days the Bazaar system is looking more and more archaic.

I know the coders are busy, but this to my mind would be a huge benefit to players.

Buying AA for Mercs? - Discussion started by Community Member wizdons
I have an idea and thinking of ways to make the mercs better; other than just upgrading them to higher levels.

Ok my thoughts are to give them AA's. Not just give them though. You the player have to earn them. But here is the key part about that.

I don't want every one to be able to buy AA for there merc right away. So my idea would be the player has to have 2k AA min before they could buy AA's for there merc. Or you could just rise that to the player has to have all there AA's (up to SoD) finished before they can buy them for there merc.

Glyphs are pretty lame for those who are maxed out so perhaps this would add in a huge bit of game play for higher AA players.

Maybe have ranks of AA's that would unlock options in the merc window for purchasing AA abilities. Have enough ranks and make them cost as much to be about 1-2k AA to finish it off.

That would make a player have about 5-6K AA before they max out.

Fellowship Changes? - Discussion started by Community Member Kalthanan2
I did some searching and it looks like the most recent thread for Fellowships was in like May of 2008.

Anyway, I find it very annoying that:
  • To add people to your Fellowship, you have to add them with the ONE PERSON who can lead the Fellowship
  • In PoK.
  • Only one person can change the MOTD for the Fellowship.

This is a very lame system. A Fellowship is usually created from equals, friends, not some central figurehead who calls all the shots. Multiple and unlimited people should be able to be promoted to Fellowship Leader, and additions should be able to be made anywhere.

I don't have to be in PoK to promote someone to Assistant Guild Leader. I don't have just ONE guild leader who can change the MOTD. Why should Fellowships be MORE restrictive than Guilds? Fellowships are casual groups centered around friends and should have more relaxed rules than Guilds.

Cast Time of Enchanter Direct Damage Spells - Discussion started by Community Member isaiah655
Ever since the Enchanter lower level Direct Damage spells had their cast times adjusted years ago -- with a slight raw damage output, reduced cast time and mana cost and that cumbersome recovery time all but eliminated -- I've been trying to get the same things done with the higher level Enchanter spells. And now that other classes that deal in direct damage have had theirs adjusted with a shorter cast time offset with a longer recovery time, I'm stepping up my campaign, particularly since Enchanters and Clerics were excluded from this. I'll stop it when I get the cast time reduced. Not before.

(Regarding the Cleric's situation, that's their fight, not mine. I don't think it's so urgent for a Cleric to have faster nukes, anyway. I've haven't been in a group yet that expected Clerics to nuke. But on other hand, if Enchanters aren't nuking -- despite that we're casting the Mana Flare Line on everyone who can use it, providing the haste, the crowd control, the slows -- if no Shaman is available --, the debuffs, the Tash, the mana regen buffs and probably maintaining 2 auras -- well, then we're no-good leeches who don't pull their weight and sponge off the efforts of everyone else and deserve to DIE!)

The primary reason I believe this adjustment should happen is simply because our role in groups is reactive. We are the ones that have to adjust to a sudden often unpredicted development, such as a wandering mob that happens by and decides to add, or a charm suddenly breaking. It becomes very difficult to regain control of this situation if you're caught in the middle of a lengthy cast. I'm aware that casting can be interrupted, but it becomes pointless to begin casting spells to interrupt them.