To celebrate the 10th anniversary of EverQuest, the Community Team hosted the First Annual Mr. and Miss Norrath Forum Challenge. EverQuest community members submitted their best character screenshot to get a chance at becoming Mr. or Miss Norrath 2009. Now it's your turn to participate by voting for the winners on the EQ Official Forums.

Here are the finalists. A link to the Mr. and Miss Norrath polls can be found at the bottom:

Mr. Norrath Finalists


Server: Xegony
Guild: Dark Templars
Level 85, Dwarf Rogue

Biro Lesbarons

Server: The Tribunal
Guild: Les Barons
Level 85, High Elf Enchanter

Jeedaa Iironman

Server: Povar
Guild: Triton
Level 85, Human Monk


Server: Bertoxxulous
Guild: Drakon's Might
Level 78, Gnome Necromancer

Kannak Orkantee

Server: Druzzil Ro
Guild: Third Foundation of Ro
Level 73, Froglok Shaman


Server: Luclin
Guild: Legendary Alliance
Level 85, Iksar Shaman

Mesmashjoo Entah`Poo

Server: Povar
Guild: Waking Dragon
Level 71, Ogre Berserker


Server: The Nameless
Guild: Eternal Phoenix Reborn
Level 85, Troll Shaman

Ptah Tatenen

Server: Quellious
Guild: Furry Pink Spiders
Level 83, Druid Drakkin

Wrekk Vicious'Werewolf

Server: Bertoxxulous
Guild: Crusaders Valorous
Level 85, Barbarian Shaman

Miss Norrath Finalists

Darieana Dreamweaver

Server: Povar
Guild: Aude Sapere
Level 78, Gnome Enchanter

Fireangel the Graceful Lady

Server: Tunare
Guild: Infinitv
Level 85, High Elf Wizard

Grawleagle Jadewing

Server: The Tribunal
Guild: Exodus
Level 85, Wood Elf Druid

Illeria Kuroninatta

Server: The Rathe
Guild: Legende Celte
Level 81, Drakkin Monk

Kaeylis Shadowstalker

Server: Cazic-Thule
Guild: Scarlet Kuraya
Level 85, Vah Shir Beastlord

Lilith Astaroth

Server: Xegony
Guild: Dark Horizon
Level 85, Dark Elf Wizard

Lillieth Elftamer

Server: Firiona Vie
Guild: Fire And Fury
Level 85, Wood Elf Druid

Molleah Finnegan

Server: Druzzil Ro
Guild: Tenacity
Level 84, Froglok Shadowknight

Scathaigh Redwolfette

Server: Tunare
Guild: Aegis Wolves
Level 80, Wood Elf Ranger

Silverayne Soulfury

Server: Druzzil Ro
Guild: Pravus Mortis
Level 85, Wood Elf Druid

Vote for Mr. Norrath

Vote for Miss Norrath