Part 1 - Overview of Frostcrypt and Image Gallery

Part 2

Additional Background Lore

Muddy Royal Scroll - Letter to Odeen Wulfnor, King of the Krithgor
As translated by Librarian Hemfar:

    Letter to Odeen Wulfnor

    My son. My heir. The hour of my passage into the void grows ever nearer. I have high hopes for the afterlife. Never fret or weep for me, but do learn something from my years as King Beltron Wulfnor of Krithgor. As my last breath leaves me, the crown will become yours to bear. Wear it well, my son. There is no greater example of Rallosian courage and strength than in you.

    There is much to tell you in so little time, so pay heed. I must explain why I commanded our Krithgorian giants to stay behind when Rallos Zek mounted the second assault upon the Plane of Earth. You have asked me many times to explain how I could dare defy the Warlord. Now I shall.

    Before our first passage into the Plane of Earth, the noble House Dromrek sent a guide to me, the gifted Loreseeker Hadengard. He beheld the Prophecy of The Tears, which simply stated:

    "And from great sorrow one tear from nine. A tear of ruin."

    There was much interpretation and debate around those simple words. Many days. Some felt the word "tear" would mean the ground would be ripped open to swallow the Rathe Council as the Rallosians overcame them. Others felt it meant a wet tear from the eyes of the Rathe Council would fall across the realms to Norrath and our giants to see our ruin. There was no settling of the debate, so I made a decision.

    In the event the Rathe Council and its minions defeated the Rallosian Army and sought to ruin us, our House Wulfnor and you, my son, would need protection to carry on the lineage of the throne and attempt to rebuild. I will admit I sought to preserve my family, but it was also the most logical and wise choice. And so it was decreed: the majority of our Wulfnor House would remain in Krithgor while the rest of our good giants fought onward in the war alongside our Warlord maker.

    It was with a great, heavy heart that I watched the throngs of faithful, courageous Krithgorian giants leave that day. My sword arm ached to join them. How the power of the Rallosians had grown in our time on Norrath. The giants showed no fear, only the pride and fellowship we had always known. There is but one prouder moment in this life—the one where you were shown to me as my son.

    Heed well this lesson, my son. You can only act on the information you are given, because not all is known. Sometimes, you must choose with your heart and those acts can have consequences you did not expect, but it is your reaction and resolve with the outcome that will make you a great leader. Against all odds and those that hunt us always, we remain.

    One day, we may be free and I believe it will be your reign that will see it.

    Your father,

    King Beltron Wulfnor

Wulfnor Crown Gem -- Suspicion of a Krithgor Noble
Librarian Hemfar's Notations of the Wulfnor Gem:

    As I read the crown gem, it became evident that an enchantment exists upon it that might obscure my vision of its past. That said the core of it does not appear to be betraying me. The visions are clear. It is worth remarking this artifact for cultural significance.

    The gem reveals a matter of great importance that still plagues the integrity and respect of the royal Wulfnor House to this day. It is a question of blasphemy among the lineage of the kings of the giants. My visions show a recent recurrence in murmurs of blame and discontent about one of their own giants who might have brought them what would seem to be an eternal misery, refusing to lay blame on one of their heroic kings, Beltron Wulfnor.

    The crown gem tells a tale that is simply that, however, a tale. The one who wore the crown with this gem was filled with the knowledge of the accusations, but the enchantment seems to be obscuring the actual truth of them.

    Huldan, a politically motivated giant within the House Thorsson had long held a rivalry with Kresgord, a same-aged giant favored among the noble houses, who belonged to House Wulfnor—the house of the ruling king. The two giants grew and trained together. While Kresgord went the way of a loreseeker—the elite magic users of the giants—Huldan chose the life of a warrior. Huldan always held some manner of imagined superiority over his rival, believing the way of magic was a weaker path.

    As years went on, Huldan's competitive rivalry became tainted by a bitterness as he watched Kresgord rapidly rise through the ranks of House Wulfnor and saw himself not advance in his own. Suspecting Kresgord was using nefarious means to get ahead, he took to spying on his old friend. One night, he believed he'd found what he was looking for. He claimed to see something…. and whatever it might have been or wasn't, it was enough of a tale for him to begin a rumor that would bring thousands of years of suspicion into House Wulfnor.

    Huldan claimed he had seen Kresgord in his chambers with his arms around a great scrying bowl. He said that he could see, plain as day, the unmistakable whirl and water of a storm within the pool—the storms of Karana! Huldan flatly accused Kresgord as a worshipper of the God of Storms. He demanded that Kresgord be exiled from Krithgor.

    Kresgord denied the accusations wholeheartedly and in the name of his father, the king, charged Huldan with treason. Huldan was neatly executed only hours later.

    Even though Huldan's voice had been silenced, his words lingered on. Many believe that Kresgord did indeed worship Karana and some say there are whispers of winds where Kresgor's body is held in the Frostcrypt.

Cursed Lorekeepers Quill -- The First Shades of Zek

    As the war on the Plane of Earth ended, King Beltron Wulfnor began to lose his grip on life. Forgoing the comforts of his palatial fineries in Valdeholm, he spent his last hours in Krithgor. He wanted to spend his last moments near his giants and all the Rallosians who served in the war. He had lived a full life and seen much and was ready to give his flesh and spirit to Rallos Zek and pass the throne down to his son, Odeen.

    After spending many hours behind closed doors with his son, the loreseekers were brought to prepare Beltron for his final breath and to secure safe passage into the afterlife. The giants believed that upon death, they would live once again as warriors at their maker's side. They never feared death because of the honor it would bring them -- to stand next to their warlord, Rallos Zek, was something many giants looked forward to.

    Finally, Beltron's last breath escaped. Odeen removed the crown and placed it on his head as the loreseekers blessed him with all the strength and courage of his father. Then the body was prepared for the procession into the House Wulfnor chamber of the Frostcrypt.

    Thousands of giants made the march from Krithgor to Valdeholm, the great giant city to the north. Their heads held high, proud that their king would be standing with his god, they marched for hours chanting a war prayer created by the first king of the giants, King Harfange the Black, who was said to have been given it by Rallos Zek himself.

      "Svard dor istadd
      Alska kerdu vargadrum
      Ayx! Ayx!"

    And so the giants marched, shaking the hillsides with their booming voices, until they reached the frozen Flateye Lake. From here, only the loreseekers and nobles were allowed to continue into the barrow chiseled beneath the icy lake. From the walls of Valdeholm above, the giants all watched as the loreseekers flawlessly rearranged themselves in a formation to march single file into the crypt. In only moments, the body of the great king disappeared into the crypt along with the procession.

    The burial rites were progressing as they normally did when a king died, with many words and blessings, incantations and prayers. Then it happened.

    Only one survivor, Loreseeker Yrgar (it was his quill that was found in the Serpent Spine Mountains that this reading was taken from) was able to tell the tale of what he saw in that chamber. His memory remained bewildered and confused by what exactly happened, even though his eyes did not betray him.

    As the loreseekers wafted purity smoke over the body of the king, his skin began to darken. The loreseekers continued, but began to look to one another with trepidation. When runes began to burn and curl across the king's skin, the loreseekers stopped. Something was not right. All around them, the ice began to shed a blue-green vapor. The room seemed to be heating up with no explanation.

    Then the voice of a god shook the mountains from the sky to the crypt's icy core.

    "BETRAYERS OF YOUR MAKER! RETICENT FOOLS! A time of war falls upon you and you cower like rats? A lesson will be learned this day and for all your days. You will know and love the endless struggle of war. Unto you shall fall a darkness eternal. You have forsaken your lineage, and so it shall destroy you."

    And with the words of the Warlord, Rallos Zek, still echoing off the icy halls, the body of King Beltron rose from the sarcophagus. Though the war on Earth was so long ago, the god had not forgotten or forgiven Beltron Wulfnor and his family who remained in Valdeholm while the Rallosian Army shed blood. And for that cowardice, Rallos Zek would have his vengeance in Beltron himself.

    Beltron's body was awash in a sickly aqua light. The runes on his body began to glow and as he opened his eyes an eerie blue shone from them. He picked up the axes he was to be buried with and brandished them, holding still for one small moment, surveying the room.

    Then it started and didn't stop. In the wildest blood frenzy ever known, the king cut down every living creature near to him. And as each one died, they too rose to be like Beltron, with aqua skin branded by runes. They became beholden to their god. They became Shades of Zek. It would be their duty to hunt down and kill all of the Krithgor giants, to bring them into their fold. They believe that if they win the war—to kill all the living Krithgor—the curse will at last be lifted.

    Still, that day has not come. And still, they continue the hunt.

Shattered Keystone - Krithgorian Burial Rites
An account of the burial ritual of all giants:

    Vundenclag Blessing

    The Krithgor giants, as a sturdy and somewhat spiritual people, conduct the Vundenclag Blessing as the last breath escapes the body, should time and preparations allow. The name of the fallen giant is contemplated and whispered three times—one to secure the spirit, one to expedite its passage to the next realm, and one to set it on its journey.

    Past-Breath Yukadig

    The Past-Breath Yukadig is performed on giants who died without the presence of a loreseeker to issue the Vundenclag Blessing. The Past-Breath Yukadig is done by breathing into the hand and passing it over the fallen giant's mouth to simulate the giving of the last breath. The name is then contemplated and whispered once, simply to send protection to the already departed spirit.

    Gidgund Winds of Lasting

    Gidgund incense is drawn over the body to strengthen the constitution of the spirit. It is sometimes called Purity Smoke. This must be done by a loreseeker learned in the shaman arts. The smoke must be allowed to settle over the body in order to strengthen its aura. Only a shaman may determine if the aura is completed and encircles the body of the dead. This incense will strengthen the flesh for burial and preserve it.

    Eternal Battleshrouds

    Each body will be wrapped by war-blessed linens. These woven or crafted pieces must each contain at least one stitch or more of thread used in worn battle armor. This will protect the body and the spirit from damage and danger in the afterlife. All weapons considered essential to the giant's survival and battle in the next life must be buried with him. At the time the essentials are placed into the crypt, the loreseeker must remove any dynasties required to be passed on from father to son.

    Iddugind Seal

    Finally, when the process is completed, the body is sealed by a loreseeker through the Krithgorian Evenprayer. This prayer shall never be written and only uttered. It is only known to the eldest of loreseekers whose sole purpose is to perform this prayer. This prayer acknowledges and recognizes the wisdom of the gods and asks for their protection. It is not a prayer to be spoken out of proper turn.

    The Wings of War

    The houses of Wulfnor, Fridleif, and Harfange are separated into three royal chambers in the Frostcrypt. Warriors and commoners also have chambers in the Wings of War. It is paramount that each giant be laid to rest in the appropriate area. Commoners may be buried in royal chambers if the honor was earned by servitude or loyalty.

Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon -- War for Earth: The Passing of an Empire
Diary of High Lorekeeper Baeldon

    As time passes, memory fades, and some things should never be lost to the ravages of time. So I have endeavored to record my personal impressions of the war that has ended the greatest empire in the history of Norrath.

    Unfortunately there are no first-hand accounts to be had of some of these events, for those that participated are unavailable. Many are dead. Those that still live have been struck witless by the gods that they opposed. Only the victors can tell the tale and they are now beyond our reach even if they wished to speak of it. Of course there is one other, but he has sworn a curse upon those of us who stayed behind. So this must be a personal accounting with opinion and thoughts accounted as truth.

    Our World

    Prior to the call, our valley was our own small empire. Every creature in it belonged to us. We lived in a city we named after ourselves, spread casually about the southern steppes. We had orcs mining ore, kobolds and gnolls hunting for our food and goblins to serve our every need. But our defenses were our own. Even in times of peace when there were no worthy foes we were ready for war. We dreamt battle and awoke to practice war, even if we only found use for it in dreams.

    Decades passed that way. We went from young eager conquerors to resolute guardsman over a limited and passive empire. Many prayed to Rallos Zek for a war to fight. While some of us were praying for war, the ogres who lived to the south, nominally free though paying us homage, disappeared overnight.

    The Call - War for Earth: The Passing of an Empire Vol. II

    The loreseekers heard it first. They told us of the battle that the ogres brought to the Rathe Council. Their complacency had ended in a great war, in wonderful glory. Our loreseekers told us what our god told them, that these smaller, younger, fiercer cousins were shining in the light and power of war while we remained in our valley, rulers over a peace that war had earned us. As our loreseekers spoke about the battles on their pulpit with vast fire in their voices we became hot to join them. For days our forges blazed and our smiths worked tirelessly to produce new arms and repair the old. Our warriors drilled and fought to the death for the glory of Rallos Zek and leadership of our war parties.

    When we learned of their failure, we were torn. Most wanted to rush forth and follow their path, to crush the powers of Earth that defeated our tiny cousins. Others thought that to do so would make us seem weak, followers not leaders. What our king thought I can not say for certain. He had been privy to counsel that the rest of us did not know. Some say wise counsel, while others call the high loreseeker council of those days the greatest traitors our people have ever known. Far more often spoken, though always under breath, was that our king had turned coward. Regardless, when the call came, we answered. As one of the oldest Rallosian clans and because of the seclusion of our home, he chose to gather his army at Krithgor for his assault on the other gods.

    The remnants of the ogre invaders were the first to arrive. We recognized some of them, though few enough of them returned. For their initiative and ferocity, these were named commanders of the Rallosian army. This was not something we accepted. It was well known that any individual Krithgor could defeat half a dozen ogres, heroes of the previous battle or not. There were fights, many fights. Ogres were killed in single combat by giants many times, yet none challenged those ogres given charge of us by our god, for that was not allowed. Undoubtedly this was the reason our king ordered us to head north in the night prior to the opening of the portal.

    The Battle

    When the portal opened and the Rallosian Army marched through, we were not there to see it. It must have been terrible to behold: rows and columns of giants, ogres, orcs and even goblins, armor gleaming and blades raised. At their head was the god of war himself, Rallos Zek. His power and their roars would have caused the ground to shake. Their banners, blood red axes on a field of gold, never needing to dip to enter the massive structure that transported them to the Plane or Earth.

    Bone and stone collided in the Planes of Power. Axes cleaved wooden limbs and hearts were pierced by branches and shards of stone. Bodies of all sort littered the field and the Rallosian army pressed on. They knew no fear and their tactics were perfect as they followed the orders of their god. The defenders knew the lands better and had the power of their gods and the plane itself behind them, and yet they fell back.

    We do not know what turned the tide, but we are certain it turned. Days later, our scouts saw the Rallosian corpses flung from the portal. Before they had thudded to the ground, the living remnants of the army came through the portal, Rallos himself the last of them. Great stone hands reached through into our realm, resting on the edges of the portal as if to hold it open for the hordes of earthen elementals and other beasts that flooded through in pursuit.

    These pursuers were weaklings and relatively easily defeated, though they did some damage to our ancient home, Krithgor. It was as if the powers of earth did not wish to pursue, for shortly the elementals ceased to pass through the gate. Then those massive fingers began to clench, cracking the portal and causing its magical light to crackle. Before it pulled the portal down, shattering it forever, we heard the words of power; we saw the force of those words enter the valley.

    The Aftermath

    After the war was lost, the curse of the gods was revealed. We watched as those of our kin that had heeded the call of our god turned into simple beasts. They retain their penchant for war, it is what they were created for, but they have lost their ability to understand it. Still, these were beasts we could understand and once again tame. We began to reclaim our small empire, rebuilding upon the ruins of the last. We were bitter then, angry for failing our god and arrogantly believing that if we had joined the battle the war would have been won and the terrible curse prevented.

    But our anger was not enough to satisfy the god that we had willfully scorned. He came to us just ten years to the day after the portal was crushed and his loyal followers cursed by the other gods. He proclaimed upon us a doom that we could not avoid, one that he promised would be more painful and enduring than what the joined gods had done to his followers. His proclamation, heard by every one of our people regardless of their location at the time, was thus:

      "Unto you shall fall a darkness eternal.
      You have forsaken your lineage,
      and so it shall destroy you."

    We were all filled with dread. For decades we worried, bringing terror to us all. After time, some speculated that this was the fullness of the curse, that we should suffer fear of his wrath until the end of time. When another decade passed and we remained untouched by any unusual happenings, we began to relax. We had regained control of our world and almost forgotten the recent past when king Beltron died and everything changed.

Runed Sash of the Wraithguard -- The Founding of the Wraithguard

    The Krithgor giants hold the greatest regard for their ancestors and heroes, a fact which made Rallos Zek's curse upon them so painful. In the blink of an eye, the majority of the Krithgor heroes were slain and turned to Shades of Zek when King Beltron Wulfnor rose from death and became the first Shade.

    Then, when the Krithgorian ancestors and honored dead began to rise and attack the living, they were faced with a moral dilemma. To disturb the dead and kill their own heroes was unthinkable, yet they did not want to give themselves over to the shades either.

    Many believed that it would be best to allow the Shades of Zek to take them. They had dishonored themselves by abandoning Rallos Zek when he called to them and it was a heresy of the worst kind to disturb the dead. Most did not know what to do. Each night the Shades would come and destroy many of their kin. They knew soon they would all die and join the cursed.

    But some decided to act. Malgar, a lorekeeper of great foresight, worked to find ways to defeat the Shades, or at least find protection from them. Malgar managed to touch the mind of one shade and learned a configuration of runes that seemed to repulse them.

    With some practice and reconfiguration of symbols, some found on the shades' skin, he created plans to build a runed-carved stone wall to protect Valdeholm from the shades.

    While Valdeholm still had some protection, it became clear that these passive defenses alone were not enough. A small group of Krithgor asked Malgar for help to forge weapons and armor that might aid them to kill the shades, and he did so, all with the same runes of repulsion.

    Every night, this band of warriors set out to battle the shades and prevent them from passing through the city gates. They called themselves the Wraithguard.

    It wasn't long before word of this group of vigilantes reached King Odeen Wulfnor's ears. He and many of the leaders of Valdeholm were shocked. Killing the shades, they said, was heresy because they were still considered heroes. Many called for the death of those that went out to fight, but Odeen understood the problem more deeply than most and, after speaking privately with Malgar, ordered the heretics cast out of the city. The king promised to arrange supplies to be granted the Wraithguard, acknowledging that they were all that lay between the shades and the extinction of the Krithgor. But Odeen could not politically support the shade hunters.

    The Wraithguard, shunned by their kin, were forced to take up residence in the homes outside the city's runed wall. The king then decreed that the Wraithguard were no longer to be thought of, they were to be ignored as if they never existed.

    The Wraithguard were chagrined, but knew well enough to read between the lines. They knew the king was putting great trust in them, and it was an honored task, though he could and would never say it aloud. They shouldered the shame, though to most of them, there was no shame in protecting their people.

    Because of the ongoing threat and the constant loss of Wraithguard warriors, those accused of crimes in Valdeholm that are to be executed are given the option to join the Wraithguard instead. Thus, the Wraithguard gains

Houses in the Royal Crypt

    House of Harfange the Black – 6 generations

    1. Harfange Gorod
      • Wife - Yubawa
      • One daughter - Phrosyne
      • Two sons – Edmuund, Olof
      • Pet – Woijuh – a wolf pet, Harfange's companion during battle
    2. Edmuund
      • Wife - Gytha
      • Three daughters – Muria, Luua, Lydyyth
      • One son – Aelfgir
    3. Aelfgir, the Cruel
      • Wife – Thyra
      • Two sons – Thurkill, Egbert
    4. Thurkill – died at a young age, Egbert the Lighthand, took the throne
      • Wife – Merica
      • Two daughters – Mualda, Haldis
      • Two sons – Holfdan, Alof
    5. Holfdan
      • Wife – Sigris
      • One son – Haruld
    6. Haruld the Young – died in his early years, before having children. Was betrayed by a royal advisor
      • Wife – Nuura

    House of Fridleif, Master Warcraft – 3 generations
    1. Fridleif Vernund
      • Wife – Avana
      • Two daughters – Sirigi, Shimini
      • Two sons – Havar, Bertun
    2. Havar and Bertun (co-kings) – chose to only conceive one son each, and killed any daughters after birth.
      • Wives – Londa (Havar) and Beltsea
      • One son for Havar (Finn) and one son for Bertun (Caldwall)
    3. Cadwall, the Victorious – when both Finn and Cadwall came of age, they were tasked to both lead an army to combat a large orc incursion to the south. Cadwall's army was victorious while Finn's army was mostly decimated. Later, Finn later would lead an uprising against Cadwall, which resulted in both of their deaths.
      • Wife – Avuya (slain during the uprising)
      • No sons

    House of Wulfnor the Gladiator – 5 generations (4 within Frostcrypt)

    1. Wulfnor Olaffun, the Gladiator
      • Wife – Thice
      • One daughter – Hulda
      • Two sons – Eadric, Fratho
    2. Eadric
      • Wife – Urga
      • No daughters
      • One son – Hroar
    3. Hroar, the Unliving
      • Wife – Audir
      • One daughter – Haldis
      • Two sons – Beltron, Ugne
    4. Beltron, the Shade King – current king of the crypt. Note: Ugne, his brother, is the High Priest.
      • Wife – Gefia – she is dead and already buried inside of the crypt
      • Son – Odeen
    5. Odeen Wulfnor– current king of the giant city. He successfully escaped the day the curse was unleashed by silently praying

    Part 3 – Coming Soon

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