Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia # 407 - posted by beadil, winner of EverQuest Trivia #406

Indoor Mounts - Discussion started by Community Member RoguesRus

It would be nice if we could have new mounts in the next expansion; maybe some that are "indoor" only… anyways just a thought. With a name like Underfoot, it would be fitting, and it would be nice to have. I'm sure there's some mythology or fantasy world out there that has a mount we could steal that likes being indoor right?

Best Solo Classes - Discussion started by Community Member nec9

Hello! I would love to hear from high level people. What would you say is the best class for soloing high level named? Well, you'd obviously take a mercenary with you in most cases, but I still consider it soloing.

Most, if not all of high level named probably summon, so kiting here isn't the way to go. But I'd say necro could still tap tank? With all that massive DoT damage and life-leeching it could take some named?

I heard magicians are good as well, but can their pet really tank a harder named? Enchanters could charm, blabla... I don't know, just sounds too risky... but then again, I never had a high level enchanter.

What about tanks like sk or warrior, with a healer merc? Maybe a monk with a healer merc? What about healers? Can they do enough dps while healing themselves? Maybe shaman, with their slow, buffs and healing?

What if you had an EQ based Action Figure of yourself? - Discussion started by Community Member tecdor

Yep, another crazy question from none other but the crazy one himself, this one is about having an EQ based Action Figure of yourself, if you wanted an action figure of your own EverQuest character what would it look like? You can post a drawing of it as well if you really feel like it too.