Meet Nikbeni Lildeathmaker

Server: Erollisi Marr

Guild: Hallowed Knights

Where in the real life world do you live?
Brandon, FL

How long have you played EQ?
Off and on for 8 years

What other MMOs have you played?

What type of work do you do?

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
3-5 hours

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
Logging in, seeing what the guild is up to, checking in on SoD progression stuff, and if all else fails then grind some AAs.

What was the race and class of your very first character?
Wood Elf Ranger

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
I was visiting my sister and my brother in law was playing EQ and decided to give it a shot. Been hooked since.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest?
Sports, watching things like the History Channel, Discovery, or the Science channel, playing with my kids.

What is your highest level in EQ?

What race and class is your main character?
Gnome Necromancer

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
The simple fact that if we can snare it, we can pretty much kill it. (provided there's ample kite room)

Does your main character worship a deity?

How did you choose your main character's name?
Generated by the game

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
Bard, Warrior, Monk

What is your favorite expansion?
Probably The Buried Sea or Kunark

What is your favorite zone?
Loping Plains. As a necro you have to love such wide open areas

What is your favorite NPC?
Fippy. He's SO persistent

Which expansion do you like the least?
Dragon's of Norrath. The addition of the corpse summoners made death insignificant. I remember many a time I had to run from Halas to Blackburrow or the Commonlands on a corpse run. Now if you die you just buy a soulstone and summon your corpse

Which zone do you like the least?
Ocean of Tears. Can't count the times my ranger died due to falling through the boats.

Which NPC do you like the least?
Phinny. Took me almost 30 kills to get my epic piece for my mage alt off of him.

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
Still have a shield, can't recall the name of it, that I still have in my bank. Was one of the first high end items I ever got.

What do you like best about EverQuest?
The people

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
It's a nice escape and there's always a nice sense of accomplishment when you succeed at something for the first time.

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
Probably finishing my epic for my ranger. Was the first epic I had completed and back then it was a fairly big accomplishment.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site?

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