As you all know, on Tuesday December 8th, SOE launched an EverQuest® Underfoot™ Early Access program for all players who participated in all three of the Road to Underfoot events and successfully pre-ordered EverQuest Underfoot by 12.1.09. To all those who qualified, we congratulate and thank you for your dedication and participation.

Over the course of the last 24 hours it has come to our attention that there is a way for EverQuest subscribers who did not qualify for early access to gain early access, and teleport into the new expansion zones. On 12.10.09 there was an emergency game update to correct this issue. Players who successfully qualified for early access will be able to continue their adventure. Anyone who did not qualify will no longer have access to the Underfoot expansion zones until the commercial release of the expansion on 12.15.09 as previously described.

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you enjoy all of the new and exciting content that the EQ team has brought to Norrath with Underfoot.