Meet Mustaki

Server: Firiona Vie

Guild: Protectors of the Nameless

Where in the real life world do you live?
Blue Bell, PA (outside of Philadelphia)

How long have you played EQ?
On and off since 2001

What other MMOs have you played?
Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, WoW, Champions Online, RF Online, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online.

What type of work do you do?
Online Rich Media Advertising Engineer

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
6-8 hours

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
Exploring while in stealth with my Rogue, grouping with guildies, AA XP grinding.

What was the race and class of your very first character?
Dwarf Warrior (I actually put all of my extra points in Wisdom, because I had no clue!)

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
Being a fan of Fantasy Genre movies and games got me interested in EQ. I like MMOs the most because of the social interactions. I also like FPS on console like CODMW2.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other then playing EverQuest?
I play guitar and bass in a few metal/hardcore bands.

What is your highest level in EQ?
66 (I am addicted to ALTS)

What race and class is your main character?
Half Elf Rogue

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
I like that I generally don't have to worry about spells, mana, buying/finding spells. Also I feel like melee DPS has more time to relax between fights and has the least amount of group related responsibilities.

Does your main character worship a deity?
Rodcet Nife

How did you choose your main character's name?
His name is Mustaki, which is Greek for Mustache… he has a mustache!

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
Haven't really tried BL or Mage.

What is your favorite expansion?

What is your favorite zone?

What is your favorite NPC?
Ambassador D'Vinn (I just remember being in Crushbone for like 6 days before finally getting trained by a crazy Dark Elf - where did HE come from!?)

Which expansion do you like the least?
I like all of the expansions!

Which zone do you like the least?
Plane of Sky (what am i supposed to do here again?)

Which NPC do you like the least?
Ambassador D'Vinn! lol.

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
1K on a Wurmslayer in 2003.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
The very same Wurmslayer!

What do you like best about EverQuest?
I like that it is not easy and nothing is free. You have to earn your way in Norrath!

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
My imagination and curiosity are always challenged by EQ! I feel like I will never see the whole game!

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
I remember before Luclin, everyone used to meet in the Tunnel in the Commonlands to sell gear and chat. I just remember thinking that was the coolest thing ever.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site?

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