As you may have heard, there's been a changing of the guard for the EQ Community! Zatozia has shifted to herding wookiees in SWG leaving a need for a firm dark elven hand in EQ.

So who am I? No, not 24601 (+50 dkp if you get the reference). I'm Christie "Kiara" Renzetti, formerly the Community Manager for EQII.

I've been ordered to post a picture... But no one said what kind of picture it had to be, so here ya go!

I don't photograph well. Cameras are not my friends!

My gaming background... EQ was my first MMO and I started playing about a month or so after launch. My first character was a half-elf ranger. I was horrible. All those ranger jokes? Could so totally have been about me and my constantly lost and dead self. I played EQ up through Scars of Velious, when I took an extended haiatus (I needed to graduate college and that required going to class). I dabbled a bit in Dark Age of Camelot when it first launched and really enjoyed it, but the people I played with sort of stopped... So it was back to EQ for all of us.

When I stumbled upon EQII one day in April of 2004, I had a major geek moment. I signed up for the community and devoured all the information. I was lucky enough to be invited to the beta of EQII and was hooked ever since. I've played a bunch of other games, some more than others, but EQ and then EQII have held my attention in ways that the other games haven't been able to do. I think it's the story and the depth of the games. I've done everything from soloing to "hardcore" raiding and I love it all.

Somewhere around 2006 I started writing for fan sites covering EQII. I was hired in 2008 to be the Community Manager for EQII... and the rest, as they say, is lore.

I love the EQII community, they're a great bunch of people and I'll miss them a lot. However, I'm so excited to come home to EQ where it all started for me. I'm really looking forward to renewing my little dark elven cleric and getting to know all of you.

The new/old Kiara returns to Norrath!

Stop in and say hi!