Norrathian Home Show - Piemastaj
December 9, 2010 Greetings Norrathians. This week Ivorystar takes us on a tour of her wonderful mischievous home in this week's home show! Read more!
Dec 09, 2010
 December 9, 2010 Ivorystar Elm Colonial Estates - 104 Terminus Street Bristlebane My home was inspired by my all time favourite zone, the Plane of Mischief. Two of the rooms were constructed completely upside down, and the third was constructed on a 90 degree angle with both a lower and upper level. I tried to use a lot of symmetry to really emphasize the illusion. I currently do not have a decorated yard. My goal is to create the illusion of an upside down house from the outside as well, but so far I haven't been satisfied with any of the outcomes. Be sure to stop by sometime!  This is what you see upon zoning into my house. The table with eight chairs was really important to me since I was really trying to recreate the feeling of the dinner hall in the Plane of Mischief. As you can see, a number of gnomes have take up residence in my house.  A side view of the main room with the a better view of the fire place. I really wanted to keep the stone colours and a little bit of purple as the main colour scheme of my house.  This is the view looking towards the front door. I needed the front door to appear upside down too, so I used a bulwark of many portals to create the illusion. It can be a little challenging to exit my house. The door on the left leads to the sideways wing, and yes, you can walk through the door.  This is the bottom level of the sideways room. You may have noticed the same painting is used over and over again in my house. In the Plane of Mischief there is a portrait of Bristlebane used constantly throughout the zone, so I was trying to imitate that with my house.  This is the stairwell leading to the upper level of the sideways wing. This was probably the hardest thing to build in a way that looked convincing.  This is the bedroom where all the gnomes come to rest.  This is the bar, complete with a live band. I'm not completely satisfied with this room, so I plan to do a couple changes here in the future.  See, it really is all upside down! To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace and please on our official forums! | |
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