New Marketplace Items: Festive Trees, Toppers, & Trident of the Ocean Ornament
Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. It's time to trim your Frostfell tree! Choose from a variety of options, or get them all and show your ultimate Frostfell spirit! Read more!
Dec 16, 2010
 December 14, 2010 Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. It’s time to trim your Frostfell tree! Choose from a variety of options, or get them all and show your ultimate Frostfell spirit! Trimmed Trees  Deck your Halls with a selection of Frostfell trees. For a simplistic style, choose the Unadorned Tree. If flashes of color are more your style, check out the Gold Trimmed Tree, the Red Trimmed Tree, or the Silver Trimmed Tree.  Brighten up your holidays with a Frostfell tree trimmed with lights. Choose from a Gold Trimmed Tree With Lights, a Red Trimmed Tree With Lights or Silver Trimmed Tree With Lights.  Or perhaps you're feeling extra festive and would like to have your tree trimmed with lights and globes. The Marketplace has just what you need! Check out the Red Trimmed Tree With Lights and Globes, the Gold Trimmed Tree With Lights and Globes or the Silver Trimmed Tree With Lights and Globes.  Add a little touch of elegance to your holiday decor with the Silver and Gold Tree Toppers. Ornamentation The Trident of the Ocean Ornament comes to the Marketplace this week, giving your weapon an appearance worthy of the Lord of the Ocean, this ornamentation makes a two-hand piercing weapon look like flowing water with an added drip effect. To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace. Then join the discussion on our official forums!  | |
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