Before you frenzy on the snakes and bats, read these important tips for berserkers.

For your berserker axes:
If you have a berserker tome in your inventory, you may learn it for use in your future adventures by completing the following steps:

     -Open your inventory by pressing the [I] key on your keyboard.
     -Click on a berserker tome in your inventory so that it is
     placed on your mouse cursor.
     -Move your cursor with the tome still on it over to your guildmaster
     and [left-click] on him/her.
     -Now click the [give] button located near the bottom of the trade
     -You should now see a message in your chat window that says
     "Use your new skill wisely".
     -Press [ALT-C] on your keyboard to bring up the Combat Abilities
     -Click on the "S" located near the top right corner of the Combat
     Abilities window. This will open the Combat Skills window.
     -Your new skill should now be displayed in the window.
     Click on the name of the skill once, and then look at the
     bottom of the window. You should see a "Make Hotkey" button.
     Clicking on this will allow you to make a hotkey for your new skill.
     -Place the new hotkey in one of the empty hotkey slots of the
     Combat Abilities Window.

Remember to stock up on components if you wish to use your new skill and create some throwing axes. You can visit the Berserker Tome Merchant in your home town to get one free sample of components or to buy more tomes and components.
Melee Skills Tips

For your combat skills:
In order to learn a new combat skill, you must obtain a skill tome. Some of these can be purchased from your guild master, others must be discovered. Once you receive a tome, follow these steps to learn your new ability:

- Open your inventory by pressing [I] the key on your keyboard.
- Click on the tome in your inventory so that it is placed on your mouse cursor.
- Move your cursor with the tome still on it over to your guildmaster. Click on him/her.
- Now click the [give] button near the bottom of the trade window.
- You should now see a message in your chat window that says "Use your new skill wisely".
- Press [ALT-C] on your keyboard to bring up the Combat Abilities window.
- Click on the [S] located near the top right corner of the Combat Abilities window. This will open the Combat Skills window.
- Your new skill should now be displayed in the window. Click on the name of the skill once, then look at the bottom of the window.
You should see a Make Hotkey button. Clicking on this will allow you to make a hotkey for your new skill.
- Place the new hotkey in one of the empty hotkey slots of the Combat Abilities Window.


Have fun and take out a skeleton or two for me.

Brenlo the Frenzied