Your three community halflings wanted to pass along some of the great stuff going on in the Official EverQuest Forums.  You can follow the links to see the posts in their entirety.  If you wish to post on the forums, you will need a valid EQ account.  Enjoy the first of many Halfling's Hodgepodge.

Our first note is a message from Grumbuk, one of our programmers who posts about some of the collision corrections coming to Live servers in the next update.

Grumbuk: Just a quick note with what new info I have-

Some of the path warping people are seeing is due to server lag, which is something I'm working on right now. The good news about that is there are some fairly easy optimizations that will help with this, hopefully noticably. There have been a fairly large number of reports about lag in hateplaneb and everfrost and I'm profiling these zones now to try to isolate the problem.

Animations & sounds not being properly updated when not in view has been fixed. Turns out that it's been buggy since we first came out with DX9 engine and should be resolved with the next update.


You can read the entire post here;

Thanks Grumbuk!

Hobart is keeping the EQ Community upated on changes to the Test Server and you can follow the thread here;

Naladini from the forums asks,"Will epic items/drops be exclusive to Omens of War zones? Or might they be spread around the game world a bit?"

Prathun ( an EQ Designer) says," There were actually no restrictions for the new epics.  When designing the quests, every expansion was fair game.  You'll find that the encounters and drops are spread all over Norrath."
Thanks Prathun.  You can follow this discussion here;

Thanks for joining us for the first of many editions of Halfling Hodgepodge.  See you again soon and next time bring Pie!

Your Community Team.