Fear got you down?  Rashere gives us the low down on the problems with NPC fear.  Fear

Oshran fills the Community in regarding the whereabouts of Guttertusk the Cruel, on the Quest Forum.  He is for an Omens of War quest called Revenge on the Noc.  Omens Quest

Curious about the experience gained in a Hot Zone?  Keridon clears up some confusion about how these zones work.  Hot Zones

Prathun and Zajeer talk with the Community about the difficulty of some of the high end Dragons of Norrath Encounters.  DoN Encounters

Just starting out?  Hear what the community has to say about the best and worst cities to start out in...  Starting Cities

It's time for another "Let's Rank Em!" Share your top 5 must haves as an EQ Gamer.  I can't live without it!!