Can't get enough EverQuest? Here's your chance to take advantage of a unique opportunity to experience the world of Norrath by digitally downloading the first seven expansion packs, plus get a twelve-month EverQuest subscription extension for the low price of $119.95. Find out more!

Sony Online Entertainment is also slashing prices on the last three expansion packs for EverQuest. EQ fans can now prepare for battle in EverQuest: Gates of Discord for $19.99, adventure to the lost dungeons of Rujarkian Hills in EverQuest: Lost Dungeons of Norrath for $19.99, or hop on a seafaring journey in EverQuest: The Legacy of Ykesha for $14.99.

These offers are brought to you exclusively by Sony Online Entertainment. Offer not valid at retail. EverQuest expansion packs are available only through digital download at these prices