Character: Dalmuri Xin'Xathir

Server: Bristlebane

My favorite experience so far in DoDH has to be doing the Slipgear quest. Upon receiving this quest, I set out to explore and help map this new underworld. At first I explored my immediate surroundings without much trouble when, to my suprise I encountered a new race I have never seen before. I was overjoyed to see these Shiliskin. Then my journey led me deeper into the immense caverns.

I did not think this was going to be an easy task, so I cast my defensive spells and invisibility and carried on my quest. Upon entering Undershore, I was easily turned around by all the twisting and winding bridges that spanned the depths. Once I got my bearings, I found it easier to navigate. I then stumbled upon a pack of lycen. At this time (as I was not paying too much attention at the time) my invisibility failed and saw that these lycan had found a new meal. Lost and without bearings I ran in any direction that looked to be clear of danger ahead. I drank an invisibility potion so that I could avoid any angry, hungry beast from assaulting me from ahead and dared not to look back as I was sure many horrid deaths awaited me if my legs failed to guide me.

With an ever growing entourage of death nipping at my heals, the only clear path ahead of me was to dive in the dark waters and hope for the best. As I was sure pain and suffering would drag me down into the unknown depths, I fell ... and fell..... and kept falling until *Splash*

The unnerving quiet surrounded me, disorienting me even further. When my head cleared a bit, I looked around and found I had indeed stumbled deeper into the intricate maze of cave systems and stood in the Ruins of Isallin.

The cold dark water grew even colder and the still of everything made every motion feel like I could wake some lurking evil. I swam around until I had felt comfortable with my surroundings. After a while I felt brave enough to push further on in my discovery of the uncharted darkness that lay ahead. Little did I know that evil did infact lurk in the dark waters as I discovered that undead had taken a hungry liking to my presence. I decided it would be wise to backtrack and come back better prepared.

Finding Stoneroot falls was an uneventful journey as well as its travel. I was making good progress in mapping my surroundings. I then stumbled deep into the ground when I found The Drachnid Hive. I had discovered the ground area beyond the living bridges. It was quite the challenge to try and dodge the patrols that would surely be aware of my presence. As I tried to reach the upper levels, I was blocked by traps and I sought to find another way to get further up.

Well, I had gotten lost ... way lost and was back in Isallin. There was still unfinished work here, So I prepared myself to sneak through the undead. While walking amongst the undead my stepping slipped and found a hole in the ground and made my way into the submerged tunnel system. Unwise to what lay ahead, I did not prepare myself well enough. Silliskin warriors were quickly alerted to my presence as I emerged into what looked like a citadel. As I saw a group of soldiers rushing at me, I saw a path ahead that looked like an escape, for if I turned back I would surly be caught and trapped in the cold waters behind me. So I ran and ran. The creatures were numerous. They came out from everywhere and I found myself in what looked like a maze. I was trapped. Surrounded and alone, I unsheathed my sword and took my last stance as I was alerted that my last area of interest had been discovered in the area. Weapons clashed and a body fell. A lone knight lies broken deep within the dred, dark ruins.

.... boy that was fun.

Character Name: Anonymous

As an avid quester, DoD opened up a lot of enjoyment for me due to the content. Things like the +50 mask right click quest and the DS key, as well as finishing the (spell) arcs, both on easy and hard (not done with hard yet), have kept me busy since the week the expansion came out. It took 6 weeks of the same group of us to finish the resist mask quest for us, and soon we'll be helping redo them all for others.

That's going through each adventure only once (for the most part), leaving quite a bit of enjoyment for going through them again for others. I enjoyed DoN as well but as many found out, missions like "Creator" were used over and over and many got tired of the same, fast exp, good crystal mission. So far with DoD, there haven't been any issues with people having boredom yet that I have seen.