Guild Name: Firestormers
Server: Povar
Guild Leader's Name: Pomtwo

How did your guild name get chosen? Firestormers - came from wanting the guild to "spread like a wildfire" and "take the server by storm" from the original Guildleader.

Are you the original leader of the guild? No, the original guildleader was Xquiset.

When did your guild come into existence? May 2002.

Do you have a website dedicated for your guild?

How many members do you have in your guild? 368 includes Main, 2 box, and Alt players.

What kind of ranking system do you have? Is there much opportunity for advancement within the guild? At the moment we have Guildleader, 10 Officers, Classleaders for all Classes. Each CL is chosen from their own. Prospective Officers are suggested and voted on by the current Officer core and GL.

What are your current recruiting goals? Good players that will fit in with our guild. We are looking for folks who want to raid in the high end zones and willing to put the time in to achieve that.

Does your guild have a 'charter' and other rules that you abide by to help hold the team together? Yes, we have a charter, can view it on our website.

What are some benefits that your guild offers that other guilds don't? What type of guild do you have, ie: family, casual raiders, hardcore raider, etc.? FireStormers is a progressive friendship based guild. Leadership and members alike will be focused toward the goal of fun and enjoyment of the game while participating in events that take us to new and higher places. We are unique mix of end game content, hard core raiding style with the casual relaxed attitudes that promotes the family aspect of the Guild. Unlike most top progression guilds, FS strives to keep the brash and abusive comments and cursing out of guild and raid say: Allowing for more adult players to enjoy the game play without concern for what may be coming across the screen for children to see.

Does your guild exist in other games? No, FS is unique to EQ.

What content are you currently working on in the game? Presently we are working TSS progression raids, Deathknell and Demi-Plane of Blood.

Is role playing an important aspect for your guild? No, roleplay is not.

Can you go through some of your great battles and quests you've conquered as a guild? A few different perspectives : the day that we finally beat Ugua I would say would be the day that made me say this is why I play, after countless weeks of failure horribly I may add we all got together on one night where everything fell into place with mechanical procession it was beautiful. id say either that or beating Zun in Txevu. The first time we beat Corinav, to allow us to progress into Time, was a tremendous effort and cohesiveness. A sense of great pride in our accomplishment. I would also have to add the PoR expansion, this guild worked hard and accompliished this in record time.

How often does your guild participate in these events on a weekly basis? We raid normally 5-6 nights a week.

What is the most exciting event you can recall with your guild. Something that makes you think back and say to yourself, "This is why I play this game..." Personally , I would have to say that Corinav was the toughest battle, very intense and everyone involved.

Who would you say is the toughest battle you have encountered? Corinav, Sullon Zek, Queen Sendai, are my most satisfying accomplishments.

What has been the best expansion for the guild? PoR , followed by OOW, as a guild we progressed through and made our way up the rankings on guilds on our server.

What advice might you give to people just starting out with a new guild or planning to start one? First , decide what type of guild you would like to build, ie raiding, more casual, family based. Share your knowledge, get as many of your officers involved in all processes. Burn out comes quickly if you try and do it all yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Treat members with respect. Encourage rather than demean. Lastly have FUN in whatever you tackle.