On Wednesday, February 21, 2007 the Stratics Network hosted a House of Commons Developer Chat for EverQuest.

Read the Chat Logs.

Here’s some additional comments that were not displayed during the chat:

*Nolrog* Is it true that Ngreth put a complicated quest in the game, and if anyone solves it, he will shave his head and his beard?

*Bdadar* First I would like to say I love the challenge in the Solatris ARc from TBS. Thank you.

*Silentwolfe* My question: First, I want to say hello and my hats off to the EQ team.

*Rezyn* This is more praise for a job well done rather than a question. I played on Vallon Zek for 4 years, best years ever. Other games didn't even scratch the surface of what EQ once was.

*fenninHooviee* Greetings, I am pleased with the updates to the in game messaging and mail system.

*Nattican* How much can the average developer bench?

*Cinexa* WELCOME BACK ZATOZIA ....what evil will you bring us?

*Chanaluss* Which territory in Risk is your favorite? =x

*Nolrog* Will the new PC models have a boobie slider?

*jkm-mooratpracs* Tell them to teach EQ2 devs how to make legit raids and itemization

*EMarr_Forcogar* thx

*Silentwolfe* Thanks to the devs for their time!!!