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Talenlorn Myrrdin

Server: Bristlebane
Guild: The Imperium Knights

Where in the real life world do you live?
Albuquerque NM, originally from El Paso, Tx

How long have you played EQ?
Since March 1999

What other MMOs have you played?
The Realm, Ragnarok, Ultima Online, Exteel, various MU*'s

What type of work do you do?
Assistant Manager for Walgreens

How long is your typical gaming session when playing EQ?
8-12 hours during the weekends

What does a typical EQ day consist of for you?
Spirit Shrouds, old haunts, dying a horrible death

What was the race and class of your very first character?
Dark Elf Shadowknight

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
Started playing games with my first Color Computer (TRS-80) and just migrated from one system to the next. I tend to stick to RPG, action, simulations, "God" games, drifted away from the FPS games.

What other hobbies or activities do you take part in, other than playing EverQuest?
Some computer programming, card collecting, reading, writing, listening to music.

What is your highest level in EQ?
Talenlorn Myrrdinn, the ever level 51 Human Druid

What race and class is your main character?
Human Druid

What do you like the most about the class you have chosen for your main character?
The all in one class, I can tank(if I use my veteran rewards), teleport, heal, buff, nuke. The fact that bears and wolves don't attack me.

Does your main character worship a deity?

How did you choose your main character's name?
TalenLorn is actually 2 names, but I crammed them together instead of waiting to use /surname. The surname I did use is a different name for Merlin, who among all things was also a druid. I have used this name since I first got online back around 1993.

Which classes in EQ have you NOT played?
Bard, Berserker, Monk

What is your favorite expansion?
Whichever one Spirit Shrouds came with.

What is your favorite zone?
Katta Castellum

What is your favorite NPC?
Tovax V'Marr, even in the low levels, easy to kill

Which expansion do you like the least?
Lost Dungeons, I like to hunt and explore on my own and you can't do that in these places.

Which zone do you like the least?
Zones that require raid strength to have a look at.

Which npc do you like the least?
Lt. Dagarok in Qeynos, that guy barely sees me and I'm done to half health

What is the most platinum you have ever spent on purchasing a single item for one of your characters?
I'm not a big spender, maybe about 3-10k on new armor and weapons.

Do you have an item you no longer use but keep around for nostalgic reasons? If so what is it and why do you keep it?
Dragoon Dirk. When I was finally able to kill Dvinn the first time, he was carrying the prize young wizards wanted at the time.

What do you like best about EverQuest?
The large world, the lore and history in it.

What do you get out of playing EverQuest?
The ability to explore and see something new or visit old haunts.

Describe your best experience from playing EverQuest?
The days of just getting drunk and jumping into the lake around the mages guild in South Felwithe with my guild members.

Do you run or work for an EverQuest Fan Site?
I use to run a guild website, but that crumbled into virtual dust eons ago.