Server Downtime for Game Update Wednesday, December 8, 2010
All EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be coming down on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 12:00 am US Pacific (US Pacifc-PST is -8 GMT: 1:00 am MST, 2:00 am CST, 3:00 am EST, 8:00 am GMT, 9:00 am CET) for a Game Update. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for 8 hours. Keep an eye on the EQ Players website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed. Time Zone Converter
Dec 03, 2010

All EverQuest Live Servers (except Al'Kabor) will be coming down on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 12:00 am US Pacific (US Pacifc-PST is -8 GMT: 1:00 am MST, 2:00 am CST, 3:00 am EST, 8:00 am GMT, 9:00 am CET) for a Game Update. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for 8 hours. Keep an eye on the EQ Players website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed.
Time Zone Converter
Frostfell 2010
SOE Super Fan Holidays Daily Deal #5: …