Norrathian Home Show - Fidobeggins
December 23, 2010 Greetings Norrathians. This week Fidobeggins takes us on a tour of his entertaining and relaxing Halfling home in this week's home show! Read more!
Dec 23, 2010
 December 23, 2010 Fidobeggins Kneeseer 103 Brimming Heights, Spruce Island Tunare As I'm a Halfling my theme is a hodgepodge of stuff with a bent towards entertainment and relaxing.  What better way to relax than overlooking the valley from a porch?  And what's a porch without Rocking chairs and a grill?   And of course, you need a place to make those yummy Halfling pies!  Chicken feet for dinner again??!!  Needed a place to wash the funk off the chicken feet, so I called the plumber right away!  All set for Frostfell merriment!   What would a Halfling home be without a constant flow of ale?  There are some nights that my toe hair just isn't quite enough to keep my model-like feet warm.   And in a Halfling home, we've been known to play wee bowling! To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace and please on our official forums! | |
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