New Marketplace Items: Child's Play Cardboard Tube, Frostfell House decorating packages and more
Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. This is your last chance to shop for brand new Frostfell house items! Don't forget to participate in the Child’s Play charity drive and be sure to pick up your free wreath from the Marketplace. In addition to the Frostfell offerings, we also have two ornamentations and a new familiar available this week. Read more!
Dec 23, 2010
 December 21, 2010 Greetings, Norrathians! Take a look at the newest items available in the Station Marketplace. This is your last chance to shop for brand new Frostfell house items! Don't forget to participate in the Child’s Play charity drive and be sure to pick up your free wreath from the Marketplace. In addition to the Frostfell offerings, we also have two ornamentations and a new familiar available this week. HOUSE ITEMS  Hang some stockings, lights or ornaments to make your house the Frostfell standout! Decorate your home for the Frostfell season with one of five decorating packages. Choose from Ornaments of various colors, Candy Canes and Candy Cane Rows, Big Snow Flakes, Stockings, and Hanging Lights. CHILD'S PLAY CHARITY DRIVE  This holiday season, become a gamer helping gamers! Purchase a Child’s Play item for yourself or gift one to a friend and SOE will make a donation to Child’s Play! The Child's Play Cardboard Tube is a cardboard tube ornamentation that works on any weapon type.* If you are in the gift-giving spirit, purchase the Child's Play Cardboard Tube Ornamentation to give to someone on your list. Buy the personal or gift version of the item for 1,000 SC, and SOE will donate $10 to Child's Play, up to a total of $50,000 for all SOE Child's Play Charity Drive items sold. *Due to an unforeseen bug, Berserkers are currently unable to equip the ornamentation. A fix is in the works as of this writing, and you can still buy the Cardboard Tube to help Child’s Play and just hold on to it till the next patch, which will allow Zerkers to use it. WREATH  Remember, this wreath is a FREE item on the Marketplace, a holiday gift for you from the EQ Team. Get it just in time to welcome folks for your Frostfell parties! This wreath can be placed on your door or hung on a wall to give your home a warm and cozy feel, providing an everlasting reminder of the season’s festive spirit. ORNAMENTATIONS  Choose to honor two very different Norrathian gods with ornamentations this week in the Marketplace. The Solusek Ro Mace morphs any one-handed blunt weapon into a fiery mace in honor of the Burning Prince. In celebration of the Ocean Lord, the Prexus Staff ornamentation applies a soft glow of pure sea blue essence, transforming any two-handed blunt weapon into a beautifully formed staff.. FAMILIAR  More than just dazzling, this amazing ball of energy will bring you health! The Healsprite Familiar channels mysterious powers to periodically grant a small amount of healing. To purchase these items in-game, type /marketplace. Be sure to join the discussion on our official forums!  | |
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