Server transfers between Ragefire and Lockjaw will become available to players soon!

Transfers between Lockjaw and Ragefire

Players will be able to free transfer between these servers starting on Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 2PM PDT. Free transfers will be available between these two servers until 11AM PDT on Monday, August 10, 2015.

During this free transfer window, you’ll be able to move any number of your characters between these two servers by using the /servertransfer option in-game.

After the free transfer window, players will be able to purchase Character Transfer Tokens from our Marketplace to move between these two servers. This option will only be available until the Ruins of Kunark unlocks on either server at which time transfers will only be allowed from the server that is behind in progression to the server that is ahead in progression.

To get more information on character transfers, see the Knowledge Base Article here