Empires of Kunark

After decades of slumber, Imperator Tsaph Katta awakens and vows to reform the Combine Empire. With the former glorious capital of his nation rebuilt in the treacherous lands of Kunark, Tsaph Katta vows to cement his place in the annals of history as The Great Unifier. Not all are ready to bend to the will of Katta and his allies, least of all the current inhabitants of Kunark.

Make haste and return to the ruins of Kunark and be ready to play your part in the coming turmoil. Empires of Kunark is scheduled to launch at noon PST on Wednesday, November 16.

Expansion Previews

Empires of Kunark Stream Replay - Did you miss the expansion stream? We've got you covered!

Empires of Kunark Preview: Lore - Learn the story behind EverQuest’s 23rd expansion, Empires of Kunark.

Empires of Kunark Feature: Familiar Key Ring - Congregate your companions with the new Familiar Key Ring!

Beta Reward - Cowl of the Dreadlands Yeti

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Pre-Order!

If you purchase the expansion prior to the day we launch, you’ll get Ganak Monument, a massive monument to Emperor Ganak for your house. Don't miss your chance to get this bonus item when you purchase EverQuest: Empires of Kunark! 

Ganak Monument

If you haven't already pre-ordered Empires of Kunark, you can pre-order here. Empires of Kunark is scheduled to release at noon PST on Wednesday, November 16.