Good news, Norrathians! The Burning Lands is joining the free-to-play collection and is now available to all players. The peace between the jann is over, and war has broken out. It'll be up to you to see who will be victorious—if you can even survive!

Aalishai, Esianti, Mearatas, the Trials of Smoke, and other zones are awaiting your talents and might. Can you help stem the tides of war between the djinn and efreeti?

You can revisit information about The Burning Lands expansion here, here, here, here, and here.

Dragon's Hoard Increase

On the theme of making things freer, today we also have an increase to how many items can be stored in the Dragon's Hoard.

For those of you who don't recall, the Dragon's Hoard is the extra bank feature that came with the Claws of Veeshan expansion (which you will need to own in order to take advantage of this change). To find your Dragon's Hoard, open the bank and click on the Dragon's Hoard button. This will act as a separate bank for each of your characters and allow you to store additional items.

The caps have increased as follows:

  • Free players: from 25 to 40 items
  • Members: from 100 to 125 items
  • Purchasable: from 100 to 125 items (for a maximum possible 250 items)